
At what age does the average male develop aging lines?

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On average when does a male develop aging lines on their face. Just tell me the average number




  1. i know a guy who has lines and hes 23

    any age really it totally depends

    avoid the sun and wear sunscreen

    the sun ages you faster than anything

    and also dont smoke or drink

    smoking ages your skin

  2. any where from 30-50 so there isn't really any avaerage some guys look younger then they are. Smoking and Drinking adds age. But if your in that age group yez your average.

  3. skin reaches it's peak at about 23 years, and from their on ages. It ages the slowest off all organs, so if your skin looks bad when you're 40 just think what your liver looks like

  4. 50-60 yrs, depending on sun exposure, if it's greater than that can occur in your mid 30's on

  5. as with anything else, there are a lot of factors involved. the worse thing for lines on the face is the effects of smoking. these can appear up to five years earlier than a non smoker.

    i would say the average to start getting lines around the face is between 40-45 years.


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