
At what age in the United Kingdom can you apply for an Identification Card (ID) card ?

by Guest61831  |  earlier

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And do you have to be a UK citizen, or can anyone in the UK apply for one?




  1. why do you want one? they are a breach of our human rights and if you want to prove your age then just get a student card..they also get10% off at topshop!!

  2. I was not aware that we had identification cards in Britain. It will be a black day when we do.

  3. You can pick up 'Prove it' forms in many shops that allow you to have an age ID at ANY age.

  4. you can get a card that basically just has your age on it to prove things like, buying cigerettes or getting into clubs. i think the youngest u can get it is a month before your 16th birthday! im not sure what there called though

  5. Just get a passport. An ID card won't let you travel abroad.

  6. Quote:

    "The National Identity Scheme will be for all UK residents over the age of 16".

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