
At what age is appropiate to send my son to head start.?

by  |  earlier

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he is 2yrs 1 month. My daughter started at 2 yr and 8 months.




  1. 3 is good enough.

  2. Head Start is for children aged 3-5. Are you talking about preschool? I think three is good. They are feeling like big kids and getting b0red at home. There is less separation anxiety too.

  3. as soon as he can see the face of his father and play with his toys. i believe that learning is a lifetime process, if at the start of the kids life, that is when he is still a child, he didn't able to learn anything of a precious help for him to cope, then he'll have to catch up fast! teach him everything you know he already is capable of doing. say, teach him reading if he's a fast learner, but if he is better in walking, teach him that first. everyhting must be prioritixed according to his capabilitiees. you cannot force him to do things he can't. for toddlers, you may send him to school at 3. 2 is a baby, let them enjoy life first. schooling will make its time.

  4. My nephew started school at 2 there was a teacher who came to our house and later when he turned 3 he went to pre-school. He had to go to school he needed help with his speech he is very behind.

  5. where are you? you can't be in america. 4 years is the legal age here

  6. If the child is intelligent and extrovert and needs input then put him in early but my late mother (an educationalist) used to consider that learning from parents at home was valuable in building those relationships which also reinforce issues like discipline which can become issues for children who get external influences too early.  However she felt that children of 3 to 5 were like sponges and needed regular contact with trained teachers who could expose them to all disciplines in a structured way - she thought this more important than early secondary education and actually came to think that letting children off school as such from ages 10 to 14 and putting them into something more experiential and physical than academic would be a good idea.

  7. They usually start at 3.

  8. Head Start accepts children beginning at 3 years old.  There is an Early Head Start program that starts earlier, available in some areas, I believe.  I think it's best for children to be at home with mom or dad until age 3, if possible.  If there are delays or problems, or if you need child care, then send him earlier, but if not, keep him with you.  Play with him, read to him, sing and dance with him, and take him for walks in the fresh air.  Then send him to school when he is 3.

  9. i started at 2 and a HALF years

    i had to repeat when i was 5

    send him in at 3

  10. 3 is the best age

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