
At what age is having a baby not a mistake ?

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I put this question in politics, because of Sarah Palin’s daughter having one.




  1. a baby is never a mistake.  My father was 52 years oild when I was born and mom 47   12th child.  no mistake at all

  2. when you are emotionally mature, financially ready, and hopefully have someone to help (preferably married)

  3. 28 is a good age. but realistically speaking 33 is even better

  4. The age at which you can afford to properly care and educate them.  

    For some, this will take years of hard work...or you can go on Welfare!

  5. it use to be

    after your were married

    I guess not anymore

    nowadays it is more like

    have a kid

    and use the next 5 years to feel out and see if you and the other parent are compatible

  6. At any age it is a mistake.

  7. I would say when you ae mature enough to support a child emotionally and able to provide for them financially. just my opinion.

  8. when your balls drop, and your voice gets deeper.

  9. Most of the time it is always a mistake.

    Until your married

  10. When you have a job, a house, insurance, and the money to support it.

  11. 18 because then you are classified as an adult

  12. Having a baby is not a mistake.

    The mistake is not using birth control.

  13. The only mistake is not taking care of the child.  

  14. Our society goes against nature. It's okay for men to do it with men, but not okay for a 17 year old girl to have a baby??? good grief!!!!

  15. Having a baby(at whatever age) is not a mistake in US.  

  16. Well I think you should definetly be at least 18 and out of your parents house with a job.

  17. When you are a child it is impossible to have the maturity and security to be the best possible parent.

  18. uhh, when you plan it.  duh.

    you should be in a commited loving relationship, and both want it.  have a plan, get ready, and take the leap.  

    a mistake would be the result of a drunken night out and a gas station condom :D

  19. The baby is not the mistake, the act of irresponsibility is. I think that a person needs to be able to care for that child and have the mental ability for that task, but the age relative. Here in the US, probably about 20-25 would be a decent age to have one since most people are somewhat situated, but they might not even be mentally preparted for the task of a child. Go to India, and probably about 30 years old would be the norm. Go to Africa, about maybe 16-18. It's all relative.

  20. The age is usually not an issue. However, the problem is realized when you are not married and an even bigger plight is when you are not financially sound or mentally prepared.  

  21. When you have the means and the intent to provide everything in life that the child will need.  

  22. When you can pay for a home, have a job, and provide for a family. That is when it's not a mistake...

  23. I don't think having a baby is a mistake, bringing a life into the world isn't a bad thing.

    I think sometimes people wish the circumstances were different, I think MOST of the time people wish the circumstances were different. But having a baby isn't a mistake, it's what life is all about.

    Having a little person that is part of you, running around learning everything about life from you.  Someone who loves you unconditionally and relies on you totally.  Someone you would give away everything you have for to make sure they are well cared for.

    It's not a mistake.

  24. Personally, any age is wrong to have children. But then again I despise children and I would make a horrible father.

  25. 26

  26. It's never a mistake.  A child is a gift from God.  Adoption is always an option. My cousin and her husband have been on the waiting list for years to adopt a baby.  Abortion is the problem... There are plenty of couples who want kids, and can't have them because their parts don't work, are a g*y couple, or too old. If people can handle themselves and their baby, then it is perfectly fine to keep the baby and raise the child, but most can't until they're out of high school...

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