
At what age is it okay to buy a kid a cell phone?

by  |  earlier

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He really wants one and if I bought a track phone, I wouldn't have to worry about him running up a bill. And he knows about 911 and to only use it incase of an emergency.




  1. Meh. Kids around 10~12 don't really need cellphones. They just use it to look "cool" or play games on it. I think it's a bad investment.

    Buy him one at the age of 13~15.

    Hope I helped.

  2. Ok.

    I got a real phone at 10.

    My Best Friend got hers at 8.

    however it depends on what he does on the weekend and after school.

    If he goes to his friends house after school alot and goes to the mall on the weekends then i'd say get him one.

    Buy him a pre-paid and i think he would be really happy =]

    hope i helped =]

  3. The best time is when he's old enough to be responsible enough to pay for the minutes he uses on his own.  As a teen I started with a tracfone for the same reason you want to.  However, I quickly learned that the minutes are not cheap and they go by very quickly.  Tell him that you'll buy the phone and minutes (if that's what you want to do that is) the first time but it's up to him to do chores or work somehow to earn his own minutes, or pay for half of them at least.  

  4. sounds good until he learns to use it responsibly, at that point, if you choose a real phone is probably acceptable

    remember to pick me as best answer

  5. i got mine when i was 11... and by that time all my friends had phones with like texting and stuff.. and my mom knew that.. so she got me unlimited texting... better then going over texts ever month :) so if he knows that 911 is for emergancys only then i think it would be okay and i think you should trust him... and if you find out that he isnt ready for it then take it bak :)

  6. Okay i got mine when i was 8 but thats just me!!

    Maby get him a track phone if hes 7-9

    BUT 10-18 NOWAY regular!!

    How old is he???

    My sis got hers when she was bout 11!!

    All my freinds got them when they were 8 or 9 so..


    i have a slider now and i am 11!!

    MY other friend has a pantech

    While my other 11 yr old freind has a track phone but then my bff has NO phone but she is gettin 1 okay SO its really your choice.NOT MINE!! but if hes 9-up get him a regular OKAY


  7. probably around like 12 i would say , but maybe my oppinion wouldnt be that helpful since im only 15 but , around that age should be fine!:)

  8. 11-12.

    Edit: Buy it when they go into secondary school. So 11-12 (or 10-11 if they have been skipped or 12-13 if the have been held back). That is when they will need it because of the heavy increase of afterschool (and before school) activitys.

  9. My mom didnt get one for me until my first year of high school and i really didnt need it for any reason before i got it.

  10. I know a child who has a track phone and she is going into the fourth grade! By what you have told me, it sounds like this child is very responsible. If you give him a set of rules to follow, I think he will be able to handle it.  

  11. I had mine when I was 12.I'd say wait until he's 13 or so.

  12. im sorry but i think this is crazy. maybe i am wrong, but i wouldnt get my kid a cell phone untill they had a job that would allow them to pay for it. even then they would buy the phone i would sign for it. maybe i am old school (im only 25 years old) but dont you remember that you did not need a cell phone or track phone when you were a kid. and you survived.  if your kid wants to talk to his friends he should hop on his bike and peddle over to his house. just like you and i did.  just my opinion.

  13. I was given one when i was 14, if that helps.   Just be sure that he really is responsible enough for a phone1

  14. I didnt get one until I was 16 and driving, so I could call my parents if anything happened. I was upset with my parents at the time, but I see a lot of kids today spoiled by technology and not appreciated the cost and value of things.



  16. give him 4 quarters for a payphone  

  17. At 13, my daughter got a trac phone.  She is now almost 15 and has paid for all her minutes since day 1 with her own money earned from babysitting, and saving her meager allowance.  Now she also works at the YMCA and has more money to spend but has chose to stick with the trac phone due to the ease of it.

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