
At what age is it safe to use contacts?

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My friend told me that you shouldn't get contacts when you are younger cause your eyes are still changing and contacts can ruin it. I am 14 right now, and I was wondering when your eyes sstop changing and what age it is safe to get contacts?




  1. either 13 or 14. But if you have glasses right now and your eyesight is improving itself don't get contacts. Because I have that problem right now. I am 13 and I wanted contacts but my eyes are correcting. And if you get contacts they don't get the exact prescription you have for your glasses. So it makes your eyes weaker.

  2. Your friend probably means well...

    As soon as a person is responsible enough to care for her eyes and her contacts properly, she can handle contacts. The eyes continue to change well into the teens or early twenties, at which point your vision kind of "levels out" with worsening much slower than when you're young, so the contacts of a young person would have to be replaced more often because the prescription would no longer be right--same as glasses lenses.

  3. I was told by my doctor, that your eyes can change almost throughout your whole life.Contacts aren't "bad for your eyes" you just need to clean them and only use them for as long as directed, or else you are putting old dirty contacts in your eye, where infection can build up.when your eyes change, they just change your prescription. most places make you get your eyes checked once a year, so they know if your prescription should be changed. no biggie! I started wearing contacts in 7th grade. My prescription has changed since then, more so now that I am in college. They say your eyes change most from 20 to 25 . Wearing contacts at your age is fine. takes a little while to get the hang of it, once you do, you'll hate glasses.Contacts are great! you can wear them swimming, to the beach, at night..pretty cool. whatever you do, dont sleep with them in. its horrible for your eyes. Good luck!

  4. i got mine around your age and my eyes are fine still...

  5. a kid i know, i think he has contacts and he's like 11, and he seems fine

  6. I am not an optometrist but I believe your friend was mistaken.  I think your friend is referring to Lasik surgery.  You are not supposed to get Lasik until your eyes finish developing around 21-25 years of age.  As for contacts, they are the same as glasses so I believe it is fine for you to get them at your age.  I have had mine since 16 and can not survive without them.  They treat me so much better than glasses but do take some getting used to.  If you are ritualistic with your eyes and can keep up with them you can choose any kind.  If you believe you may slack, you may want to go for the Focus Dailies like I did.  They are a bit more expensive but its putting on a brand new pair everyday.  Good luck to you!

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