
At what age is it safest to take a bluenose pitbull away from its mother?

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what age is it safe to take a pup away from its mother, ive heard 6 wks is the youngest but it will require more time and effort to teach the pup to potty train etc..Is this true ?




  1. With a pitbull I'd say for sure 10 weeks.. at 8-9 weeks they are learning bit inhibition from mom and  other dogs around.  

  2. I'd say 8 or 9 weeks. 6wks is way too young IMO

  3. All puppies regardless of breed should be with mom until 8 to 9 weeks old. At 6 weeks they are probably weaned, but still need the contact with mom and siblings. at 9 weeks they will be more mature. And can handle the separation better.  And will be ready for the  training process  better.  

  4. NEVER take a puppy away before eight weeks of age. It has nothing to do with bonding/potty training/ or any kind of training for that matter. Puppies learn lessons about limits and how to self soothe during the 6-8 week period. Mother dogs begin teaching their pups how to behave and what is tolerable and what is not. many psychological problems in dogs stem from being taken from their mother's too soon. The key bonding period for a puppy/human is from 12-16 weeks, so waiting until your puppy is eight weeks will not rob you of anything. Taking a puppy away before eight weeks is a behavior issue waiting to happen!

  5. 8 weeks is minimum..  6 weeks is way too young.

    10-12 weeks is best.

    The younger a dog is taken away.. yes the harder it is to potty train.  Many pups taken at a young age also tend to develop behavoirs like anxiety, separation anxiety, and neuroritc and anti-social behavoirs.

  6. The usual time is 8 weeks but more breeders are now keeping pups for a few extra weeks. I personally believe that the best time is closer to ten weeks as this enables more time for socialisation and to learn doggy manners and living as part of a pack.

    Toilet training is the least of your worries - good socialisation is much more important.

  7. its just a pit bull drop the blue nose part and 8 weeks is the youngest ANY pup should be sent to its permanent home

  8. First off any true breeder will not let you have the pup until it is at least 8 weeks old.  Second there are laws in most states that will not let you buy a pup until it is 8 weeks old.  It will require a lot of time and effort to train and potty train as well.  Dogs do not gain bladder control until they are at least 20 weeks old.  Some breeds never gain full bladder control and are extremely hard to potty train.  Pit-bulls in general need a lot of love and training so be patient and loving to him.  Any breed needs to stay with its mom until at least 8 weeks old, do not let anyone fool you!  

  9. at 8weeks.go and visit the pup, but don't take it home yet.wait, and you will see:at 8weeks pup will be bigger, and also learns how to play nice with other dogs(litter mates)

  10. 6 weeks is way to young.  Wait at the least 8 weeks.  Good luck with the pup.  Train him right.  Pits are very loyal and friendly dogs.  

    Check out this site and check out the Pit Bull.

    Look at my cutie.


    Again, congrats on getting a gourgeous pup.

    Don't pay attention to the people about questioning you saying "Blue Nose", you are just excited and you know if it was something about thier dog, they would inform you on it. :o)

  11. One, the dog is JUST a Pit Bull. The coloration or pigmentation of its fur or nose have nothing to do with its breed, separations like that is what furthers the breed stereotype.

    Two, do NOT remove the pup from its mother until the ninth week. Before the ninth week, the dog misses out on extreme lessons that will hinder it in the future.

    The earlier you remove it, the more you risk a dog with emotional and behavioral issues. And if you want to be a responsible APBT owner, that's something you don't want to do. NO reputable breeder or foster releases puppies before the eighth or ninth week. If someone is offering you a six week old puppy, report them to the animal control agency in your area. Its illegal to buy or sell a puppy younger than eight weeks old.  

  12. I would say 8 weeks old.. Mom needs to ween them off first. She will turn out a better dog, if taken a little older than 6 weeks..

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