
At what age . . . ?

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at what age would you feel most comfortable and confident with engagement/marriage?




  1. Maturity and ready  for marriage is a bigger factor. Got married 26.

    Got career and traveling stuff out of my way and then was ready to settle down. If I did not do that and married earlier it would have been disastrous. This is me and not true for everyone.

  2. over 25.

  3. Its not the age.  Reaching your goals and having financial stability with a good job is when a MAN should consider marriage..  

  4. I thinkt here is a point in everyone's life when they turn a corner, from being done taking from the world and are ready to sacrifice and give something back.  Marriage and children require a person to give of themselves more than receive, and I don't think people hit that age until their late twenties or early thirties anymore.

  5. I got married at 18 and now I am 30 and still married, and every so often I question myself if I was to young and if I should have waited until I was a little older... so my answer is to you is how well do you know yourself.. If you are happy within your own skin, and can you picture yourself (hopefully it never happens) but picture yourself one day, with him or her with nothing not one cent to your name and still see yourself with them... I say more power to you...  

  6. The age that I finish university.  

  7. After I have finished my education, have started a good career for myself and have experienced a bit of life on my own, so I would say anytime after 25 years.

  8. 30- ya not a kid and you're not too old to enjoy it.

    this is coming from someone who got married at 22 divorced at 23 and has three young kids- don't make the same mistakes i did

  9. 22-24

  10. 27

  11. 25

  12. 20

  13. 21 - Sounds most reasonable to me

    Hope I helped :)

  14. It depends where your goals are. At 20 I thought I would be ready at 25, but by 25 I did not had a career nor the patience for children. Now that I am 31, I am finally ready for that since I feel more mature and have a career plus I want children but no girlfriend. Ironic.

  15. I would say after college, since there isnt muchpressure of tests and all that. So about 22-24?

  16. 28........wait until your frontal lobe developes.  That way your brain is mature enough to make such an important decision that decides your happiness or unhappiness for the rest of your life.  There's no hurry.

  17. WHen you are mature enough to handle your emotions and not just made to believe that you are. I believe in the old mantra of loving ones self, and i f you get to do that without being narcissistic then you can get engaged and eventually marry. Just one thing dear, the wedding is a party while marriage is a life with ups and downs.

  18. Whatever age it is that I find someone that truly accepts me for who I am.

  19. that depends on the person  - anywhere from 21 to 73!!!  maybe even 74!

  20. Mid-Twenties and beyond.  D

  21. after i finish collage and i'm finantualy stable

  22. 25.

    If I marry at 27, my kids might never get to college.

    23 and below is pretty early.

  23. For me it was when I turned 20. Now at 27 I am exactly where I want to be.

  24. "30", I got married at 31.

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