
At what age should I give my son the s*x education talk? ?

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What should I say to him? How much info is needed?

Teenagers - Did your parents give you s*x education? Did you appreciate it and how old were you?

Parents - What is your advice




  1. I'm 16 and I didn't learn s*x education from my parents, I learned it in health class from the teachers in like the sixth grade.  I would have rather of learned it from someone that I knew, like off course my parents.  I wish they would have given me the s*x talk, especially since my mom got pregnant with me at 16, the same age that I am now.  You should talk to your son about it, but don't go into like too much detail, or you could and scare him about it and then he wouldn't have s*x, but don't.  Your son needs to learn about s*x, and if he wants to have it how to be safe while doing it. Hope the help.

  2. ASAP. I got the talk a few years ago and that helped me in future purposes

  3. From one parent to another,talk to him as soon as possible. Do not be afraid to do so.Just be honest with your son,and tell him that he can come to you about anything at anytime.Answer his questions about s*x,then tell him there are a lot of diseases that he can catch if he is not safe when having sexual-intercourse.Tell him about condom's and tell him to ask the girl or woman if she ever had any medical problems he needs to know about before having s*x together.Tell him to wear a condom every time,not too ever take a chance,with his health.Tell him to be sure too ask his girlfriend or date if she uses the pill? In other words get to know her before you sleep with her.

  4. WE are nudists, so the kids when the time comes should not be surprised or shocked or ashamed about s*x or its questions. I think you know when your child starts showing signs of interest or is mature enough and needs to hear it from you. I knew about the birds and the bees with full understanding when I was 10, I developed early.

    Good luck to you.

  5. Well, I never got "the talk" - all I was told was to not have unprotected s*x, and the rest I sort of learned from my friends and whatnot.

    I would say give him the talk at around thirteen. It's when I started learning more and more about s*x, and though it doesn't necessarily mean he'll use it at that young of an age, it'd be good to know.

  6. I learned it back then in middle school. I think its better tho if you let the school teach it to him because things may get a little awkward between you two. But you need to asure him that he can come and ask you about it anytime because he may get ebmarressed.

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