Upon recieving my kids unidentifying disclosure documents, I discovered that they have a half sister by their father with a different mother. I also discovered recently that their mother had another child a year after they were adopted, who died two months later. He was a boy.
The kids are 5 and 4 right now. I have never told them this aspect of their heritage or adoption. I am very unsure of when they should know this information. I certianly do not want them to be shocked by it in later years or feel that I kept something from them. Part of me feels that I should wait until they are much older, another part of me thinks that maybe it should just be included in their adoption story now. I will definetly tell them eventually, but am unsure of when. As far as I know they have never met their older sister, and they did not meet their brother for sure. Any ideas, or thoughts on when and how?