
At what age should a 4 yr old be allowed to change the oil in the family car?

by  |  earlier

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technically, he's been assisting me for over a year but I think it's high time he started doing it on his own.




  1. Holy c**p Dude!! I looked at a question from you earlier asking when it is to ealry to let a kid light fireworks, then to basically kick them out of the house, now you want him under a car changing oil? WTF is your problem??? He is FOUR YEARS OLD!!! He should be watching cartoons eating cereal for crying out loud! Not wondering why he lost a hand, has no roof over his head, other than the car that he is currently changing the oil in. Get a life and let your poor kid have the same.

  2. My 9 yr old helps with vehicle maintenance. He truly enjoys being able to do mechanical things so we allow him to help supervised.

  3. This question made me lol. =]

  4. as soon as they can read the oil bottle ****

  5. 4!!!!! he/she should be at least 13.

  6. As soon as they can reach the oil pan.

  7. let him try it out and if he isnt doin it right show him what to do so he can try again another time.

    your no slave laborer i know you just want your kid to learn early.

    so teach him now when hes listening, so keep it up.

  8. are you a dad or a sweatshop owner? you're like the male kathy lee gifford. you disgust me!

  9. omg! you shouldnt let your 4 yr old do that!

  10. I don't know.  I just get my Mexican housekeeper's 4 year old to do it.

  11. That doesn't make sence.  And 4 year olds should not be left alone to change the oil.  

    I would say you can start teaching them and when they are comfy with it let them.  Make sure an adult us present until they are like 14 I would say.  It just depends on the child.

  12. 4 year olds shouldn't change the oil. I wasn't allowed to until I was 8 or 9.

  13. Um... 4?

  14. Wait about 12 years or so...

  15. What! He isn't already?? Mine did the full service at 3!

  16. A 4 year old is a 4 year old regardless of whether or not they should be allowed to change your oil.

  17. Isn't that a requirement to get out of the hospital when they are born? You must know how to change the oil in the car to get out.

  18. You don't seem like the kind of person that would actually own a car,  based on your other questions.

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