
At what age should a child start having chores?

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f.y.i, this is for a science project.




  1. 3 year olds could start doing small chores like cleaning up after themselves, and as they get older, more chores.

  2. my littlest is just shy of three and he LOVES to swiffer the entry way of my house, and also picks up his toys after play time, throws away trash if he has a gummy snack, etc.

  3. My daughter is 5yrs. old and I have been giving her chores since she was 31/2 yrs. old.  Like clean her room before she leaves the room.   She also sets the table.   Other than that I do it all.  The other major chores I'd say about 7-8 yrs old.  Good Luck on your project.

  4. By school age(elementary) they can start doing small simple chores.  For example, helping making their own bed, picking up toys around the house, setting the table etc.

  5. I always taught my kids to pick up their toys from around age 2-3. As they get older, they can be given more responsibilities.

  6. I have a 5y/o, 4y/o and 2 y/o. They all pack their toys away/clean their room (obviously I help the 2 year old).

    My 4 and 5 year old enjoy helping to dry the dishes, sweep floors, wipe down the table. (I dont make them do those things, they want to!)

  7. there is no reason a child as young as 2 can't help clean their toys up.  that would count as a chore if you always have them "help".  from there, it's a gradually adding of items based on the level of ability

  8. Well i have a son and he is 1 1/2 and his chores are to pick up after himself. after his bath in the morning he goes and puts his clothes in his basket and when i change him in to his p.j. he does the same. If you consider those chores then they should do simple things like that as soon as they understand they are to do them. Everyone in my house does their part.

  9. I think that age 6 is a good age to start out with. Nothing too complicated or demanding, just some light chores such as helping parents with groceries  setting the table, light cleaning around the house. you can work the child up and add on chores each year. This gradual process will help him grow and mature.

  10. i think they should start around 5 -6 years old : picking up toys, make the bed (does not need to be perfect) just to get the idea

  11. Children should start doing chores at around age 4. The will have the capability to hold responsibility.

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