
At what age should a girl start shaving under her arms? ?

by  |  earlier

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My mom wont let me so the entire summer all i wore was short sleeve shirts.




  1. mmmm, like 5th grade. but it depends on the girl cuz i had a friend who still wasnt growing under arm hair in 7th grade

  2. whenever the girl starts growing armpit hair should then shave.

  3. When you start getting hair there that is not peach fuz but actual hair that is darker and thicker then your arm hair is about the time you want to think about it.  Age dose not matter because all girls mature at different ages like from 10 to 15

  4. When you start getting hair

    Tell your mam if your not allowed to shave that she shouldn't shave for a month and see how she feels :p

    Or you could go buy some wax since you don't need to be over a certain age for that

  5. whenever you start to get it i guess...

  6. when hair starts growing there.  and what do you mean your mom won't let you.  does she shower with you?  will she check your armpits when you get out?  take the razor and get that hair outta there!

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