
At what age should a kid learn to use a spoon and fork?

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At what age should a kid learn to use a spoon and fork?




  1. My son started using a fork at 12 months, and by 2 years-old (With no proper training, just by watching) could properly hold a spoon and fork.

    BTW: They have safety forks where the tines on the outer edges of the fork curve in so they can't stab themselves, so for the person that gave the thumbs down, do some research. My son's doctor was THRILLED he was using a fork already because he was a preemie and we were afraid of delays.

  2. At around age one you can introduce them and let them work with it,but I would say 2 is a good age for them to be using a spoon or fork as best they can.

  3. 2 and a half years is best...before then they have not got the coordination skills to handle cutlery & I don't think It's a good idea to give them the responsibility of feeding themselves.

  4. I believe i learned how to use a fork around 2-3 days after birth....

    but if my memory is mistaking me

    it just may have taking me 4 days!


    at 19 i still am not potty trained and rely on diapers 24/7!!!

    Happy EAting...

    dont eat to much though or else u risk being fat

    but being too fat will make the guys very attracted to u

    therefore risking ur space bubble!!!!

    if i type anymore my fingers will fall off

    and i sorta need all of them so i will stop typing PEACE

    gues wut i got more to say

    get them potty trained by at least 14 and all will b well

  5. once they are able to sit in a highchair on thier own without assistance. Dont expect them to know what to do with it once you hand it to them..spoon only here forks are a ways down the road....just let them hold it and play with it but only while sitting in thier highchair. Hope this helps.

  6. spoon = 18mo.

    fork = 24mo.

    knife = 48 mo. then only butter knife to spread

  7. My mom says we all varied in our dexterity from about 14 mos. to 2 years. My nieces and nephews fit right in that time period, too.

  8. Some can use the spoon at 9 months. I would say definately by one year.  

  9. My daughter is 18months old and she can use a spoon and a fork to feed herself and hs been able to for some months now..

  10. 16

  11. around two I think

    just set the spoon and fork in front of them and eat a meal with your child...

    They will soon start to mimic you and your set!

    Just help them out at first my spoon feeding them

  12. 3-4

  13. i always gave my babies a spoon while i fed them, that way they will give it a go when they are ready, my daghter was feeding herself just after she turned 1 and my son fed himself at about 18 months, babies love to copy what mummy is doing so by giving them a spoon while you feed them you can encourage them to give it a try themselves

  14. when they are about 6 months old I am guessing

    because they are sitting up in a high chair

    and eating with a spoon so try and have them learn to use it

    it will take time though

  15. They should know how by 18 months and should be introduced to them by 12 months to start learning how to use them.  

  16. 4 and up


  17. Well i have a younger sister and she learned the spoon around 3 and the fork a couple months later, it all dependes on the how many times the baby is showen the items.

  18. i learned to spoon early on.

  19. This usually depends on the parents comfort level and how advanced the child is. Kids are pretty messy eaters overall but my niece is 21 months and she's been eating with a spoon for about 2 or 3 months maybe. I honestly prefer she eat with her hands but she insists on using her spoon. I don't recommend letting a young child use a fork just yet. I think all forks are dangerous to kids and the should stick to the blunted spoons.

  20. my brother is 2 and he knows how.  

  21. when they are 16 months


  22. my ped said i can introduce my son at 18 months, but i've talked to people that say 12 months or a little later is when they introduce.

  23. As early as 6 months would be good for introducing utensils to the baby.  By the time they are two, they should be eating with utensils most of the time.

  24. I would imagine every child is different, but when I feed my 4 month old daughter her rice cereal, I give her a spoon for her to hold.  Although she does bring it to her mouth, she, of course, doesn't use it correctly, but just to get her used to it.  It also helps keep her hands busy during feedings. =)

  25. Most of my friends children learnt at age 2-3.

  26. spoon at 1 3/4 fork at 2 1/4

  27. everyone learns when ready but around 2 or 3

  28. 3!

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