
At what age should a toddler start sleeping in a toddler bed?

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I have a 15 month old son who still sleeps in his portable crib and i was wondering at what age should i switch him to a toddler bed.




  1. both my kids stay in there's till 3 and just under 2 !  i think it is up to you and the kid!

  2. 2

  3. Switch him as soon as he starts crawling out of his crib by himself.  .

  4. There is no certain age for it.  You just wait until he starts climbing out of his crib by himself, and then switch him to a toddler bed.  My nephew didn't switch to a toddler bed until a couple of weeks after his second birthday, but my other nephew is 14 months, and they think he is just about ready to switch, so it really all depends.  You'll probably want to put a gate at his bedroom door, and definitely at the top and bottom of the stairs, because he probably will be climbing out quite a bit the first couple of days, until he gets used to it.  Just keep putting him back in bed, until he gets the idea that he needs to stay in bed.  Hope this helps =)

  5. There is no correct age for everyone.  I read that the time to do it is when the baby can get himself out of his crib on his own...when they can do that, a toddler bed is safer.

    If he can't get out of his crib on his own, you can keep using that for now.

  6. Whenever you are ready too.  Unless he is climbing or trying to climb out to where he could hurt himself you can keep him in the porta crib until you are ready to move him over.

    I moved my son over to a toddler bed at 18 month because I was pregnant and wanted to transition him over as soon as possible so there was no chance of him feeling like the new took his bed.

    My son got out of bed one time the first night and then one time the second night. I havent had a problem since. you just have to be consistent on making sure he knows it is bed time and he needs to be in bed.

  7. Around 18-24 months on average.  Cribs are only meant to go up to 24 months I believe but some toddlers can start to climb out around 12-18 months which means it is no longer safe to use.

  8. Well my daughter will be 3 at the end of this month and we just turned her crib into the toddler bed about a month ago (convertible crib with the removable side)  She still loved her crib though.....we used to make forts and stuff out of it for was HER space, her security, I wasn't in any hurry to take that away from her.  We waited until SHE said she was ready.  Every child is different, let your child set the pace for himself.  

  9. My children were 2 1/2 to 3 years old when they went to a twin bed with a guard rail.

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