
At what age should boy begin using deodorant?

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At what age should boy begin using deodorant?




  1. When his underarms start to smell.

    I started when I was 13, about the time I started puberty.

  2. 6th grade is when I started.

    Sprays are too strong for young boys though, use stick deoderant.

  3. honestly Erika boys don't need it until they reach puberty which can be at different ages .. The should be taught to wash their arm pits with deoderant soap from the time thay learn to bathe and body wash is great like old spice because the scent is great and does last .. But they should start being required to wear it 6 months to a year before hitting puberty in order to get them into the practice of doing so when they need to wear it .

    as you probably know it it is more of a problem to get boys to use it in the first place on a regular basis .. If you want a more specfic age .. i would say 11..  

  4. 11-13

  5. It depends on when he starts to stink. It's different for everyone.But I would say around 13 or so.

  6. Grade six or seven

    so age


    I'm going into grade eight

    and the guy ALL wear deoderant

    and they SMELL SO BAD when they dont


  7. My aunt was using it on my cousins when they were 6 years old.  How in the world a child that age start gettiing funky but they did.  I think it's the meat (increased hormones) making these kids grow up faster than previous generations.

  8. Usually when you start to notice, that you can't go sweat alot and not smell. For me it was more or less when I was 14 that I used it regularly, but all through middle school I used it.


  9. When he asks or when he starts to smell.  Some guys are anxious to be hygienic and others have to be told.  Usually around 11-13.

  10. usually about 6th grade. When you start to smell. The sooner the better. Better to be safe than sorry.

  11. 12-13

    When they start middle school.


    If you believe he needs it at a younger age encourage him using some axe on his underarms.

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