When a toddler wearing an Elmo shirt asks an adult, "Do you like Elmo?", should a truthful answer be given? What about when a four-year-old asks, "Do you like [Disney] Princesses?"
Does it matter if the adult dislikes the character for artistic/aesthetic/aural reasons (i.e., Elmo's annoying voice), or for philosophical ones (i.e., a political opposition to the concept of royalty)?
Surely, at some point, a child is given an honest opinion. Parents of fourteen year olds don't pretend to enjoy Miley Cyrus (or do they?). One does not wish to hurt the child's feelings, but at the same time, it seems reasonable to introduce a child to the idea that not every person enjoys every movie or character, and that s/he is free to form his or her own opinions, as well.