
At what age should children begin to be told the truth about adults' tastes?

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When a toddler wearing an Elmo shirt asks an adult, "Do you like Elmo?", should a truthful answer be given? What about when a four-year-old asks, "Do you like [Disney] Princesses?"

Does it matter if the adult dislikes the character for artistic/aesthetic/aural reasons (i.e., Elmo's annoying voice), or for philosophical ones (i.e., a political opposition to the concept of royalty)?

Surely, at some point, a child is given an honest opinion. Parents of fourteen year olds don't pretend to enjoy Miley Cyrus (or do they?). One does not wish to hurt the child's feelings, but at the same time, it seems reasonable to introduce a child to the idea that not every person enjoys every movie or character, and that s/he is free to form his or her own opinions, as well.




  1. For my own daughter, I just tell her the truth ever since she asked me questions...she's 5. She just understands. I'm pretty fortunate to have such a smart little girl. It used to bother her at first, but the more you converse with children, the more they understand and get the concept. My daughter loves Miley, and I have no problem watching it. It's funny and I don't hold the typical teenage things she gets caught doing. I figured by the time my daughter decides to read up on celeb gossip, she'll be mature enough to handle it.

  2. I prefer is far better than I don't like.

    I don't like means you dislike something that she loves.... maybe you don't like  her?

    If you want to be honest, tell her that you prefer the rollerskate barbie, or the swansong barbie....... Cookie monster is my favourite sesame street thing.

    Always say you like something inthe category that she likes, then you are not lying. But don't dismiss the whole thing.

    A mothers' approval is so important to a young girl. Emphasise the fact that you are very happy she likes it, and you'll buy her whatever barbie, toy she wants. But if she asks, point to another one and say 'Well mommy prefers that one, maybe she'll get that one for herself and we'll play together.'

    Me and my husband have a lot of different tastes, so my daughter will grow up knowing it's okay to watch and listen to different things.

  3. I'm on the fence here.  While I'm all for honesty, etiquette (either with adults or children) demands that we don't emphasize negative opinions because it may offend the person who is passionate about the subject.

    For example:  I may say to you "Do you like (whatever) movie?  It is my absolute favorite!"  

    To which you could reply, "I think that is the most ignorant movie that was ever made."....which would hurt my feelings and probably make me angry

    Or you could reply, "Personally, I likes (whatever) more."...which I would respect because it is honest without being hurtful.  

    I think the same courtesy can be used with children.

  4. Why go over their head? Just say you don't like the character or cartoon. With my kids I point out that I like spinach and they don't. It doesn't make either choice wrong, it just means we like different things. It always gets my kids on a like/dislike conversation and they usually forget the original topic. I'm not trying to distract them, they just distract easily, lol. Its not hurting their feelings if their favorite character isn't your favorite. Its a great opportunity to teach them that there is nothing wrong with liking different things. It makes life more interesting!

  5. Who says adults have to hate children characters? I'm nearly 18 and I still love Sesame Streat and classic Disney.

  6. I dont say to my 4 year old that I "hate" any particular thing because I dont like that word, but if she says "do you like this outfit" and its really mismatched then I tell her "no" and "let me pick something else". I personally like Miley Cyrus' music and I am 24 years old! She tells me when a song comes on that she dont like it, so I guess we freely express our feelings at my house lol!

  7. I actually do enjoy Disney princesses and miley cyrus... so I can't comment on that. LOL

    My oldest daughter wanted some s****. sweatshirt and I said I really hate s****.. She got the sweatshirt- and she laughed when she wore it. That was when she was 7. If I don't like it, I'll tell.

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