
At what age should girls start to shave their legs and start using a training bra?

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my daughter is 9 years old and anxious to start wearing a training bra even though she is not starting to develop yet. and she also want to start shaving cuz she sees other girls that are her age with their legs shaved! what should we do?




  1. I can see letting her wear a bra if she wants my daughter is 7 and she wants to wear one too so I let her wear a lil one she has when she wants but she'll get tired of it and stop wearing it after a while.

    Shaving her legs no way, unless she has dark hair on her legs then she doesn't have a reason to start shaving.

  2. I would tell her that is is not time for her to start doing those things yet. She does not sound like she needs to. If she starts to shave to early, the hair will be very thick when it comes in. You could get her the bra, as a compromise. I would wait until she NEEDS to shave. I developed at 11. I know many women who developed at 10. It will probably happen very soon.  

  3. If she wants to wear a bra, there is no reason not to let her. Go training bra shopping with her, it will make her feel grown up and could be a good bonding experience. As far as the legs, as soon as she is self conscious about the hair on her legs, you should let her shave. 9 is a little young though, unless she really has a lot of hair. another way you could go is tell her she can shave her legs as soon as she has hair growing under her arms. Thats what a few of my friends parents did. Be sensitive to her though, I remember being horribly embarrassed because me mom wouldn't let me shave my legs. She didn't think it was necessary because she never shaved hers. My mother never really grew much leg hair and what she did have was so fine and blond it really didn't matter. I, on the other hand take after my dad. I had long dark leg hair at 13 and was not able to wear shorts to jr high without feeling very uncomfortable about the hair on my legs. I finally just started shaving behind her back.  

  4. Bra:  when needed

    Shaving: 7th grade

  5. Shaving legs: Let her start when she REALLY needs to. I started before 6th grade: I had dark brown hair on my legs and I was very uncomfortable. ask her if she is self-conscious about her legs.

    BRAS:  I had a training bra at 9. Take her shopping for one. They have many different colors and patterns so they will feel comfortable with their bodies!

  6. training bra: when buds start, at least 11

    shaving: tell her to wait, i didnt until i got my period, which was past freshman year, cause of my mom (i biked over to rite aid and bought hair removal, she knew, but didnt say anything, yeah, way to be a mom, mom)

    she shouldnt wear a training bra until she has to, give her a tank top to wear under cause shes only 9

    and for shaving, omg tell her to wait until her period, and tell her about it cause u just dont get the bra and razor, u have to sit through the talk to get it,

    oh, and for my opinion, dont even get her anything, tell her shes too young and has to wait

    cause after that is make up when shes 11 and s*x at 13 and pregnant at 15 i'll place money on that! TELL HER NO TILL HER PERIOD (and training bra until a little before u think so)

  7. Wait till you see buds. I was anxious to start wearing bras and actually I was upset when I was 12 and my b***s were not developed. Along with everything else that comes with puberty. As for shaving wait till she/you sees hairs sprouting. Don't do it just to be cool.

  8. my daughter wears a training bra and she is only 3. With shaving i started at nine but i should have waited til I was 11 or 12.

  9. maybe start her on a training bra just so she feels a little grown up but tell her the down side to shaving you get cuts and the hair grows in black so you have to constantly shave and tell her that she doesn't have to be like the other girls in school I'd wait until she is at least 13 to shave her legs. The only reason why she is probablly wanting to do all these things is because her friends are you should probablly set her down and talk to her about her body and explain that everyones body is different because she's probablly seeing girls who are her age and have b***s and she wants them too so getting her a training bra is no harm because it will make her feel a little at ease. Hope it works out.

  10. I'm sure it depends on how developed your daughter is, but I would recommend in between 5th and 6th grade for both. My mom didn't let me shave until 7th grade and I got made fun of sooooo bad! It really sucked, so I'd sneak shaving, she'd catch me and ground me! It was mortifying. Also, I didn't start wearing a bra until mid 6th grade year- and I started because again, the other kids were making fun of me. My point is, if your daughter needs it make sure she's wearing it. But if not, I would recommend starting both summer between 5th and 6th grade, although this is a little late nowadays. My friends were all shaving in 5th grade!

  11. 11 years old.

  12. there is no exact aqe of when to start wearinq them. whenever the breast develop tht is when you should start. well im 13 and i'd always wanted to shave and havnt started since 5th qrade. trust me my parents didn't find out but when they did theres nothinq tht will chanqe tht so i quess its worth it..(cus those litle bratty qirls in school would always judqe ppl) and qirls her aqe and mine don't like tht and we do whatever it takes to make it stop lol

  13. You should start buying her a bra when she starts getting breast buds. And as for the shving, wait untill she's at least 11.

  14. Being a guy i feel odd answering this-

    But meet her half way on this. Go ahead and let her start wearing  a training bra-even if she really doesnt need it yet nobody is gonna notice it and it cant hurt anything.

    But i wouldnt let her start shaving her legs just yet UNLESS she already is developing rather hairy legs for her age. If she is starting to get hairy legs and the other kids are making fun of her, let her. But if not then dont let her do it.  

  15. I let my daughters do these things when they asked.  I think they were a couple of years older, but the age when they become self-conscious about their bodies can vary. It's really important to them then not to be  different from other girls their age.   And the fact that they make totally flat training "bras" in children's sizes indicates that your daughter is not the only one asking.  

    It's also pretty common for young girls to start shaving their legs before we would think they really need it.  But a few fine hairs can look like a furry coat in their eyes, and they feel embarrassed.  I would just make sure she knows how to do it and doesn't cut her legs with the razor.    

  16. no specific age just when she needs to.......

    my daughter is 11yr old and does not need a bra yet,however she does shave her legs (electric lady shaver). this is partly due to the fact she has a hormone immbalance that makes her have a bit more leg (and body)hair than others her age.the hair bothers her so she removes it.  

  17. My daughter is going to be 7 in sept and we are going to be getting her a training bra before school starts. She is a little bit chunky- weighs 64 lbs and is 4 ft 2 in tall... so she does have a little bit of "fat buds" in that region. If your daughter is wanting to start wearing a training bra then let her get one- have her go so she can pick out the one she wants and also get a white one she can wear with white clothes... As far as the shaving of the legs... i think being 9 is young to start... I would wait another year or so and then show her how to do it.

  18. There's no harm in her "shaving" areas that have no hair growth.  If you want to humor her, show her how.  The same goes for the training bra. The bra isn't for training the budding b*****s on how to behave in the cups; it's for getting the girl used to the FEEL of wearing a bra.  She can do that before she has b*****s!

    So, I'm saying it's completely up to you on both fronts.  

  19. My daughter is 8 and wears a training bra. But she isnt going to start shaving until at least 10.  

  20. i don't think there is a real age.  i would say a bra when they have the buds developing.  not a training bra, a real one, i never understood what was the purpose of a training bra.  

    as for the shaving of the legs, i think she should be allowed when she takes notice.  she noticed so it really wouldn't hurt to teach her the correct way to shave.  it wouldn't hurt for her to own a bra.  after seeing how uncomfortable they can be (at firstL) she may not care to wear it.  

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