
At what age should girls stop taking their dolls?

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I know that all girls stop playing with dolls, but is there an age where a girl should stop taking the doll with them in public? Is 10 too old? please give your reasoning... thanks!




  1. There is no set age.  I know girls that were more like 13 when they stopped and others that were more like 6 or anywhere in between.  I think I was 11 when i stopped taking dolls with me places.  The thing is that now so many girls are interested in doing hair or playing with different fashions that dolls are being played with even by adults for that purpose.  

  2. one is never too old.  relax and learn to pick your fights -this isn't one.

  3. 10 is certainly not too old. Each child is different, I myself played with barbies til I was 14, maybe thats wierd but I was probably a little less mature emotionally than other girls my age but eventually I everything evened out and I put the toys away ;)

  4. I have a little girl who is one....I don't have experience in this area yet, but I would say that no, 10 is not too old. I would say enjoy her as a little girl while she still wants to be one, tomorrow she'll be doing her hair and makeup :)

    My thinking is if you try to take away their 'security' blanket, doll, soother, etc the more pressure you put on them the more stress they will feel, and the more she'll want to hold onto the doll. Ask her if she wants to leave the doll at home, if not, go with it. Offer her another security item, but don't make a big deal about it if she refuses, and get on with your day.

    I thought the day would never come when my daughter would want to stop being swaddled. She just turned a year old and it was a few days past her birthday when the heat got to her and she just kept wriggling  out. I certainly wasn't going to strap her to the crib :) Swaddling blankets are in the drawer now waiting for the next one :)  

  5. 10 years old is nott too old at all, i kept my dolls until i was 12. and i mean there's a lot of variation depending on the person. 10 is fine though :)

  6. I think the age changes with each generation. I played with Barbie dolls until I was 12 or 13...most girls today are done with Barbies by 6 or 7.

    I think the age depends on your child and their willingness to be done with it. My daughter has never been hard core on bringing her baby dolls in public...but she loves the stuffed animals.

    I say it depends on the child.

  7. I think it depends on the child, and why they must take it in public. I think a 10 year old isn't too old to play with dolls, but I would examine why they would need to sleep with it and carry it in public. Is there a stress or anxiety that isn't been investigated? I guess I was an independent child: while I played with my Barbies until I was 10, I stopped sleeping with a doll when I was about 4. Didn't need a blanket either.

  8. Ten is not too old. Most little girls stop taking their dolls with them by the time they reach junior high (7th-8th grade), usually before then. She will likely outgrow carrying a doll within the next few years. Disinterest or peer pressure will likely occur soon enough.

    Enjoy your little girl being a little girl. They grow up way too soon as it is.

  9. 10 yr olds love dolls ..its not your place to say WHEN to stop playing with toys ..what are you some kind of control freak?

  10. I think that there is never a time that girls should stop playing dolls. I think at 13 a girl should stop taking their doll on maybe a walk or to the store, but like on a ferrry or plane ride, a doll is a good idea to keep you busy. I am 12 and I still play with my dolls lots and really enjoy it. 10 is definitly not too old.

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