
At what age should i stop riding a horse?

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what is the average age to put a horse into retirement?




  1. 20's?

  2. 65

  3. Your age or the horses age ?? I N EITHER CASE---i would say it is when you no longer feel like it,same for the horse.

  4. Do you mean you or the horse? I would have thought that your vet would be the person to give the most informed answer to this question.

  5. I learnt to ride on a 29 year old pony that still galloped up hills and go over jumps and everything. It truly depends on the horse.

  6. never!

  7. When the horse is to lame or you can't stay on.

  8. It all depends on the horses conditions. I would stop running the horse around 20-23 yrs. old. Now you,well until you think its a good time to stop riding.

  9. In their early Twenty's.!!!

  10. Till you feel too old to ride.

  11. There is no set age, it totally depends on the condition of the horse.  I have a friend with a 17 y.o. horse that is so crippled with arthritis that it can never be ridden again.  Yet at the barn I learned to ride at, there was a 40+ horse still doing lessons (only walk/trot).

    The horse will slow down as it gets older, but that doesn't mean you can't ride it.  Unless it is obviously in pain, or its physical condition has greatly deteriorated, keep riding!

  12. I rode mine up until he was about 22.  It depends on the horse and how strong he is.  Obviously when they get older you don't go galloping around the place.

    Edit: it's quite obvious from your question that you meant the horse....

  13. as long as the horse is healthy with no spine or bone issues you can ride. I have 40 year old horses competing at high levels. They are fit, healthy, and strong. But then I have 20 year old horses who are just companions because they have sway back, or joint issues.

    But even if your horse is ready for retirement, remember a fit horse will last longer than an unfit horse! Brisk walking or lunging will encourage his digestive health, muscle and tendon health, as well as keep his metabolism up!

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