
At what age should my son stop drinking whole milk?

by Guest62252  |  earlier

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My son turned 2 in March. He is tall for his age (38"), but very skinny (his waist size is that of a 12-month-old). He weighs 26 lbs. He's very active and I think he pretty much runs off any pound he gains....if we all could be so lucky!

My neighbor said something about taking her daughter off of whole milk when she was 2, but that just didn't sound right to me. What does everyone else think?




  1. I would continue to give whole milk.  I know when you are on wic though they will switch when they are 2. but if you buy it I would say continue to give it to your child unless they are overweight.  The only reason wic switches is because most of the children in the US are overweight.

  2. ask your doc... they should go off it when they are 2, but some people drink whole their whole lives so if baby isnt fat i dont see the prob. i would keep him on it til you talk to the doc

    interesting fact- if you double your sons height at 2- it gives his approx height as an adult, mine was off by an inch looks like youre going to have a 6 foot 4 man on your hands soon

  3. Why would he have to stop drinking whole milk? Older kids and adults can drink it too....

  4. When you are ready to buy cheaper milk :)

    Honestly, if you don't want to use whole milk anymore, then don't. If you want to switch, then switch. But like another poster said, slowly move down to skim by offering 2% first, then 1%, then skim. But it is best to continue buying whatever everyone else in the family uses. In the end if hes happy drinking milk, then whatever kind is still going to be good for him.

    Personally, my older son did not start using milk until age 3 1/2 or so.(allergy) My younger son started 2% around 16-17 months.

  5. I've heard and read 2.  They should switch over to 2% milk.  The reason they are supposed to be on whole milk for the first couple of years is that the higher fat content of the milk is important in the building of proper myelenization of the nerves (the coating/sheath on the nerves) which mainly occurs during the first two years of life.  However your child seems to be a bit 'small' right now, so it would be best for you to ask your pediatrician.  Your doctor will know what is best for your son's given situation, since he/she knows his whole health/medical history (whereas we don't)...Good luck!

  6. The Dr and nutritionist both say kids need WHOLE milk until atleast age 10.

    After that they can have 2%.

  7. My pediatrician said:

    No whole milk ever, use 2%, kids really don't need that much fat.

    No juice that is  full of high fructose corn syrup.

    We only ever gave my son purified spring water and at 5, he's a good little water drinker, not crying for sugary drinks or milk.  He eats fruit rather than drinks it.

  8. i still drink whole milk!  i've never stopped because of my age and have never heard that before or of anyone who has done it! whole milk has more fat in and would probably help your child gain weight anyway! good luck!

  9. no need to stop whole milk, i am still drinking whole milk now and i am 43 years old now, kids need the fat in the milk and since your little one is skinny then you feed him as you feel fit.

    the only reason to stop whole milk and replace with a low fat one is if there are overweight issues.

  10. My daughter was thin as well and the doctor said keep her on whole milk she can use the extra calories.  Many people take their kids off whole milk at 2 and give them 2% but this is due to the higher rate of heavier kids and this is to keep the calories down.

  11. My parents always had whole milk at home until I was done college.... they stopped when my dad had his heart attack (it was unrelated seeing as he only had milk in his tea anyway).

    I don't think that there is a magic age. Talk to your doctor.

  12. The pediatrician will let you know what they recommend.

    Ours had us switch to two percent at two years old because he wasn't underweight and didn't need the additional fat in whole milk anymore.

    If you child is underweight, they will most likely recommend keeping him on whole milk.

  13. I really think it is different for each child. I kept my 1st on it until she was 3 because she was sort of small and not gaining much weight. Our 2nd was off it when she was around 2 1/2 and our 3rd was off it by the time he was 2 because he was so large! I would speak to your pediatrician and see what they think is best, but use your mommy instinct!

  14. Actually, they say that 2 is the age when toddlers can begin switching to lower fat milks. I don't know that I agree with it or not- I think their brains are still developing so how can it hurt as long as they eat a healthy diet? BUT, that is what the experts say to do.

    If you want a better opinion, consult your pediatrician! She/he knows you child and can give you better advice on what it going to be best for him.

  15. as soon as possible

    but dont just go strait to skimmed go to 2% then lower nd lower

  16. I asked my daughter's doctor this same question.  At the age of 2, your child should start drinking 2% milk.  After the age of 2, your child does not require the additional fat whole milk provides.

    Ask your child's doctor about this since you feel that he may be skinny.  Maybe he is simply of lean build or he may not be getting enough calories each day.  I'm sure you could check on toddler nutrition requirements with an online search or in the book "What to Expect in the Toddler Years."  

    Definitely voice your concerns to his doctor to ensure that he does not have any health issues.

  17. at two they should be on a normal diet. bottles should no longer be used and they should drink their milk from a cup. they only need one or two drinks of milk per day, the rest should be water. they get what they need from their diet of foods so keep a balance of pastas, cheese, fruit and veg.

    good luck

  18. I changed my son to 2 % when he turned 2.  He was 35 inches tall and 30 pounds though.  I would probably wait if he's 26 pounds and tall, ask your pediatrician.

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