
At what age should my teenager go from pediatrician to regular family doctor?

by  |  earlier

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My 14 year old needs a physical for sports. I tried getting an appointe with our pediatrician whiom I think very highly of. Of course they can't get her in in time for sports to start so I have to take a different pediatrician that is in the same office (but I don't know them). Now I am thinking I should just have her see my doctor, who is a female family physician that sees babies as well as grown ups. What would you do? Different pediatrician or family physician. Once I change I have to get the papers transfered.




  1. she can be seen by a family doc they can see anyone and trained to see children also but for a regular doc she must be 18. But family doc by any age good luck

  2. For a physical it doesn't really matter which doctor they see as long as they are liscensed. For my sports physicals i even went to a nurse practitioner so i could make an appointment and go in either that day or the next....

  3. our pediatrician sees kids till they are 18,,,i have no need or desire to change till then.

  4. It should be fine to transfer her now if she's healthy, no issues, etc... My kids see a PA and family doctor for every well checkup and if they're sick, but one daughter (15) has serious condition and does see pediatric specialists at a Children's Hosp.

  5. I would say at 14 she is fine to switch to your doctor. My kids are 7 and 9 and they see my female family doctor. Our pediatrician misdiagnosed my youngest twice with big things not little issues. So I switched them to my doctor. She has 4 kids of her own and figure that counts for a lot as well.

  6. A family doctor or general practitioner can see anyone. A pediatrician is just a doctor with a specialty in children.

  7. I would go for the family doctor it isn't going to be too much longer before she outgrows the pediatrician anyway.

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