
At what age should we start singing lessons for our daughter.?

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just asking. does she need to be tested? who, when is the test performed. so as not to bias answers i am leaving out her age with this question.




  1. well, i started taking lessons at the beginning of grade 5 (10 y/o) and i've been taking lessons for 5 years. so entering grade 10 will be my 6 year. no, your daughter doesn't need to be tested, as far as i know. you and your daughter will meet with her teacher before having an actual lesson to get to know each other and her interest in music. then she'll need to get some music books as well as theory. before you enrol her in lessons, be sure to tell her that this is a commitment and that she needs to do her theory work every week and practise her exercises and  songs every week so she doesn't fall behind.  you may also want to know that some teachers put their students in testing for the next grade higher. your daughter has a choice whether she wants to do these tests or not, but it is better that she does.

  2. I think by leaving out her age, you're going to get biased answers. It just shows that you have some doubts behind getting her into something like that and will just tell people that she's quite young. Personally, I think it's wrong to push your child into something like that. Wait until she's older and shows interest in it before you push her into something. Don't make kids do what they don't want to do. It's unfair to them.

  3. Firstly you would need to establish whether or not she can actually sing, before progressing her onto singing lessons to improve.

  4. Why would she need to be tested at all? Anyone can have singing lessons, they are not just for those with fabulous voices.

    Unless she's a teen already, I would go for a music group (for a tiny) or a choir (for an older child, say age 8 and up) and not bother with formal singing lessons at all unless she shows great interest. It's not like other instruments where to be really good you have to start young. If you think she has musical talent, you're better off getting her piano lessons.

  5. My sister began when she was about six...i don't think she needs to be tested, especially if it is just for fun! If she is old enough to make up her mind maybe ask her if she is ready.

  6. Why would you wanna put her in singing lessons either you can sing or you cant to me but i dont know no till like 12

  7. Singing lessons for the fun of singing lessons has all sorts benefits including rhythm, math skills, pattern recognition, auditory development etc,...  This could start as early as 3-6 years old in the form of music appreciation classes usually in a group setting. Usually no one is even pretending to care whether children are on or off key.

    At a little older choirs are a good choice 7-10 years.

    Singing lessons to hone singing skills is a different matter.  From a quick check around the internet, most teachers seemed to feel that 10-11 was a good target age. There were concerns about vocal damage and comprehension of the required skills before that age.  Some insisted that vocal damage remained a concern until after age 14.

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