
At what age should you allow your child to date?

by Guest61623  |  earlier

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At what age should you allow your child to date?




  1. I'm with Cassie...exact same thoughts on that.

  2. NEVER... lol

    I have 2 girls and I allow my oldest(14) to go on Group dates with a parent driving. My youngest (10) not at all. I believe that when they are old enough to drive then they can go on dates alone

  3. It really depends on the maturity of the child but I would say 15/16 is a good age for a real date....the kind where the boy goes to pick up the girl and they go by themselves to the movies or high school ball game or whatever.  However, I don't see anything wrong with the group date or whatever you want to call it at 13 or so. You know when the parent drops the kid off at the movies and their is a bunch of other boys and girls meeting there. But like I said that depends on maturity...

  4. 16 years old.  Maybe with friends at 15.

  5. Maturity differs with age. You need to evaluate your childs personality and self responsibiity to make a adequate decision on when is best for her.

  6. 13-14 I would allow group dates. 16 for single dates.

  7. I would let my child go to the movies, dinner, etc. when they are 15 but I won't let them go on a real date (in a car alone with a boy/girl) until they are 16.

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