
At what age should you have no curfew?

by  |  earlier

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when living with your parents???




  1. 17 or 18

  2. It sort of depends.  I never had a curfew, but there were rules like I had to give an approximate time I would be hope, and if I was later than that time I would have to call and tell them BEFORE I was late so they would know.  Also I would have to call and tell them when I was on my way home, and they had to know where I was.

  3. I'm 21 (going into my senior year of college) and I live with my parents.

    Once you hit 18, your parents technically don't have the authority to tell you when you have to be home...but keep in mind that they technically don't have to let you live there either...

    I stay out as late as I'd like...but I always call and let them know when it will be late. Just because I'm over 18 doesn't mean they don't worry about me, and I respect them enough that a simple phone call is not a big deal at all.

  4. Personally I think 18.  At least then you're pretty much done with high school and you probably have some kind of part time job, if not a car. Technically you're an adult then.

  5. 18 and in your own home!

  6. I think that at 18 you should not have any curfews. Even at 16 you still have a driving curfew on certain days of the week, which keeps minors from driving late at night.

  7. when 18 and your parents don't mind how long you stay out...OR when you move out of your parents house because its their house and when they want you in is when you need to be in....

  8. depends on how the kid is.

    until about 16 or 17 there should always be a curfew of 12am

  9. 6 i stay til 200am  but thats only when i am with my girls

  10. Lol 6 and that one dude has girl what a dumbass. I can stay up reasonably( like 2) when i was 14 , because if i stayed up all night being a dumbass i get all angry

  11. my personal opinion is 18 and out of the house or 18 and out of school. If they still are in high school and they should be st home in bed at a certain time.

    But that's my opinion

  12. if you are living in your parents' home, you have to abide by their rules.  consider setting up a rental agreement with the rules if you are an adult.  this is a sign of maturity.

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