
At what age should you stop breastfeeding your child?

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What is up with people breastfeeding their children until they are 8 years old? That is really scary to me. Has anyone done it or known someone who has? I really cannot comprehend it. Can someone explain when and how that became an option?




  1. I think that's disgusting and disturbing as well. I don't think anyone should be breastfed over the age of 3 though that is kind of pushing it in my opinion.

    I heard about a lady who breastfed all of her children until they were 9-10 years old just because she wanted to keep her b*****s large. Gross.  

  2. This is a very personal question but I think a child should stop breastfeeding around age 1. I was at the mall and saw a mother breastfeeding her (what looked like a 4 yr old) child in front of everyone. She used no discretion at all. I don't think you can make it illegal since she providing food for her child but maybe be considerate of others and put a thin baby cloth over the child while he or she is feeding.

  3. Breastfeeding can continue untill either mother and child are comfortable with stopping and/or mother or child want to stop.

    Most common age is between 1 and 2 years old.

    I did meet a girl who breastfed until she the day before her 7th birthday. I couldn't personally imagine nursing that long. But some do. I couldn't imagine being the child and remembering it when I grew up either.  

  4. Breast or bottle, baby should be weaned by one year. I don't see why people think its ok to breastfeed for mulitple years, If a 4 year old was walking around with a bottle it would be just as ridiculous, a little less gross though.

    I do believe in most areas it's illegal after 5 yrs (still too old).

    **When a child is nursing no longer for nutritional needs but for emotional attatchment or simply because they "want" to, there is a problem... a serious problem.

  5. the longer u breast feed the better your babys amune sytem will be. i breast fed till i was like 2 nothing past 2 i say.... my amune sytem is great un like my brother. there amune sytem is c**p!  

  6. my son will be 3 in November. He still nurses a few times a day. Mostly to get him to sleep. I have been actively trying to wean him for about 18 months now. I was almost there right before school let out, then my older kids ruined it. My son has been eating solids since he was 4 months old, and table food since 9-10 months old. he eats 3 meals and snacks a day.he can drink from a sippy sup, a straw, and a water bottle. He can cook his own hot dog or oatmeal in the microwave. He just loves the closeness of nursing. When he is really sick it is the only thing that he does not vomit up. other than when he is sick it is not his only form of nutrition. still nursing has kept him out of the hospital on numerous occasions

  7. I nursed one of my sons until he was 2 1/2 and I'm nursing my 22 month old.  A child should be allowed to self-wean.  The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for at least two years, but there is no upper limit.  

  8. woah; thats a wee bit long. anytime after a year you should slowly stop. 2 years MAX!

  9. Breast milk is a great source of nutrition at any age.  The WHO and AAFP (American Academy of Family Pediatrics) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, then breastfeeding+solids until at least age 2 but ideally for as long as mutually desired.

    While I agree that 8 years old is a bit extreme, I see absolutely nothing wrong with nursing a 3 or 4 year old.  And, if the 8 year old and mother are both ok with it, then I think that is fine too (an 8 year old would not nurse very often and it would not affect them going to school, etc).  I also don't understand setting a limit - I mean, would it be ok to nurse one day, but then the next day the child is too old?  In fact, I believe the natural weaning age of humans is between 3 and 5 years of age.  

  10. Ideally children should be breast fed exclusively for the first 6 months.  Breast milk should be their primary source of nutrition until at least 12 months and should continue until he/she reaches 2-3 years old and chooses to wean.

  11. there is no where written in stone that a baby "needs" to be weaned by one year. the world health organization recommends til two years.  it is ok to nurse as long as you both mutually desire. most children self wean by five years. education is an important factor is having a successful breastfeeding relationship no matter long or short the nursing relationship is for.

  12. who knows I also think its crazy I think you should only breastfeed up to the age of 2

  13. LOL while I will no way breast feed my child until the age of 8, I plan on letting him tell me when he wants to stop. When he was first born I told myself that I will make it until he's at least 6 months. He just turned 6 months and will in no way take formula ( I don't blame him, it smells horrible)

  14. You stop breastfeeding whenever you want. I breastfed my little one until she was 11 months.

    Who knows maybe the mom breastfeeding the 8yo has no money to put food on her table so that how she feeds her child. Why should she buy cow's milk to give to her human child when she herself produces human milk???

  15. I am in my 5th month of breastfeeding and we are hanging on for dear life.  I am losing my supply due to having to work full time and only being able to pump once a day during my work day.  I am hoping to BF until 1yr

  16. When they get teeth...

  17. My mother breastfed until 12 months for 3 children.

    My friend has breastfed until 24 months, she's the longest going that I know of in my circle of friends.

    Most of them stopped at around a yr, when the baby started walking.

    I saw that video on

    That's the link ( for those who haven't seen it )

    I find it disturbing, they are 8 yrs old.

    Didn't they even name the b*****s?

    Whatever floats your boat, ha ha!

    I wish you the best!



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