
At what age will Tiger Woods reach his golfing peak?

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He still has so many holes in his game. I think probably 38 or 39.




  1. This may sound odd but i don't think Tiger will ever "peak". The guy is just so good that his "peak" started when he picked up a golf club as a baby and won't end until he walks off the course for the very last time.

  2. He's there now and will probably be at his zenith for the next 8-12 years if history is any indicator. Most professional golfers or any golfer for that matter peak in their 30's and early 40's all the greats Nicklaus, Snead, Hogan, Palmer showed a similar peak pattern. But again he is Tiger Woods so I wouldn't put it past him to hit stride for another 15-20 years as he is superhuman.

  3. Seeing as how he has won everything he has played in this year it seems he may be at a peak now.

  4. He said it himself about going undefeated in Junior Golf "I peaked at 11".  LOL- he was just kidding, of course.  The guy has everything he could possibly want- except a few records.  The same-year Grand Slam seems to be his priority, with the others an afterthought (at least for now).  

    If he does accomplish that feat (and don't rule it out) I'd be hard pressed to see him golfing regularly past 40.  With his wife and baby daughter, his Foundation, course designs, he has a lot on his plate.

    On the flip side, if he can find any kind of motivation, he could go till he's 100.............

  5. Hard to say, because he can't be compared to anybody but himself.  How does one measure the unmeasurable?

  6. probably at the age of 37. he is just beginning to shine as a true champion of golf.

  7. If Vijay can still contend in his mid 40's then Tiger can as well as long as he is motivated.

  8. Yours is a very difficult question. Golf is different from day to day and peak year may not come with age.

  9. He hit it when he joined the TOUR at age 20. He continues to peak year after year. I'm not a big fan but he is unreal.

  10. If it isn't right now, I think he has to be pretty close to it.  How do you better such perfection? Tiger thrives on competition, and once he has the record for most majors won, what challenge is left?  That might be the peak. Remember, Tiger is human too.

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