
At what age will older sisters start to want to hang out with their little sisters again?

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It seems that when two sisters are very young, they will always want to be with each other 24/7. When the older sister is in junior high school, she will resent the younger sister following her all the time and not want to talk or play with her and on the other hand, the younger sister like to be with the older sister all the time. My question is at what age will older sisters start to want to hang out with their little sisters again?




  1. its a matter of time really. whenever the older sister decides to grow up. its usually when one moves away. thats when it usually starts happening

  2. idunnnoo.

  3. after college, maybe when the older sister has gotten a job... maybe never - it depends on the person.

  4. My sister and I got really close when I was  13 or 14 (she was 8 or 9) and we are still really close.

  5. In general, siblings become closer when they reach their 20s together.

  6. like 20 or 30

  7. The older sister is probably just trying to fit in in school... I think that the older sister will hang out with the younger sister more as they get older and realize that they have more in common... uh...maybe high school?

  8. I have three daughters and I can tell you that it's not until they are virtually adults before they start to relate to each other again. When you're young, 4-6 years difference in age seems like a lot. But when you're in your twenties, it's truly nothing. It just takes patience and a time.

  9. My sister started tolerating me again when we were both in high school, partly because I started hanging out with some of her friends, and partly because I started catching up in the maturity department.

  10. this happened between me and my sister we wanted to be together ALL the time years passed by and she just all of a sudden didn't want to be around me, do anything with me, sometimes not even talk to me... I'm 18 shes 19 and she is still like that I seriously hope it changes... I'm thinking mid 20's (hopefully) but I guess it really depends on the person and the maturity and what relationship you have left... I really miss her and it hurts so bad and I don't even think she realizes that she has changed.

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