
At what age would you let your daughter..?

by  |  earlier

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Fly interstate, under 1,800miles away.

[that sounds like a lot but yeah ]

With 3 other people then stay at a house that is owned by your brother, but he wont be staying with them, just around the corner in his apartment. And they would be gone for 10days and are very responsible. They would whenever needed etc...

What age would you let them go?





  1. I let my daughter do this when she was a senior in high school. However, her boyfriend was part of the group. I felt much safer with him along than if she had just gone with a group of girls. They married after college and have now been married for almost 8 years and have 2 daughters.

  2. 18, you should never leave a child alone in another destination even if they are a teenager. They should stay with the relative because it is the smart thing to do.

  3. 18

  4. 16

  5. 16-17

  6. 18 and she already had graduated from high school and had her own job.

  7. 16 years old is mature enough

  8. sixteen or seventeen.

  9. 18.  Sorry, I can't shake remembering that Natalee Holloway story about her trip to Aruba.

  10. Well, I'm 15. I'm from Minnesota. I've only been on an airplane once and that was to Rome, Italy. I went with my best friend and her family. We also went to Paris and London for 2 weeks total.

    But, all be themselves. I'd say 15-16ish.

  11. 16

    or maybe a VERY mature 15

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