
At what age would you let your daughter wear a thong?

by  |  earlier

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Would you be curious to why she wants to wear one?

What would be your reasons to or not to let her wear one(until she is grown)?




  1. 15ish

    maybe even as low as 13 but DEFINITELY not lower than that.

    Kids have enough to show for these days.  Let's not make a thong one of them

  2. Around 13 years old. They are just underwear. I would ask if she wants them for something other than not showing panty lines. (At that age I would guess because one of her friends got them though.) I won't get them for her until she asks for them.

    My husband disagrees. He feels that they aren't just underwear and he would not want our daughter to wear them ever. I told him that since I'm the one who is going to take her shopping, then he loses.

  3. any age as long as she's out of pampers lol... but 4real she's grown at 18, so 18 cuz thatz askin for attention.

  4. NEVER

    PS lol

  5. Probably around 14, but it would depend on her reasons.  If they were because she didn't want panty lines when wearing certain clothing like dress pants, then sure, but I would be wary about her wearing them if she just got a new bf or something lol.

  6. I guess when she's in high school, so 14

  7. ack, i have two daughters that are far from teenagers, but I'm not looking forward to these decisions.  I think myself I bought some when I went to college.  I really don't see a reason to have them before that.  I bought them cause I thought they were s**y, not because I didn't want my panty lines to show!

  8. 16. why would she need one before that?

  9. 16 or around 13... I wouldn't care

  10. 27, If I had a daughter.

  11. Never!!!

  12. when she starts behaving like an adult. not if she is still acting childish. remember,it's your house, and it's your rules. until she's on her own you are her boss.

  13. 12.......

    It really depends on the maturity of your child.  Its underwear...not a tongue or belly button ring.

  14. um , her body - id let her wear what was comfortable

    at any age if she was wearing white trousers or somthing because VPL's are so ugly.

  15. After the age of 16 - 17 and mature enough (to earn her own money to buy it). or had a good reason, like not wanting to show lines through a particular garment.

    I'ld also remind her of the kind of attention she may get if she plans on showing them off. And they're not as comfy as regular ones

  16. well im a teen myself,

    i dont wear it to be a s**t or w.e,

    i wear it cuz there more comfortable, my buts big so it hard to find real underwear that fit properly,

    and also cuz UNDERWEARLINE is a big issue.

    but i stared wearing them when i was 14 or somthing.

  17. 40! no younger :)

  18. To be honest, I would be scared that she was sexually active if my daughter wanted one lol

    but then again, some girls just want to fit in. I remember too well how that was like.

    Probably 16 or 17 :)

  19. oKAYY.

    my parents didnt want me wearing thongs.

    but then i was like d**n i mean i dont

    want panty lines showing in my jeans and stuff.

    & when u 1st wear thong si mean

    they are uncomfotable but after like 2nd day

    it didnt bother me.

    thats all i wear i mean its ur body wear panties thongs watever u wanna wear. but i wouldnt let my child start

    wearing em till they turned like 14.

    but parents are different these days. SOOOOOOOOO..


  20. when she moves out!!!

  21. First, if she wanted to wear it to not have panty lines, probably 16 or so, now if it was because "everyone else wears them" or something like that I would say no. I hate thongs anyway!!! :)

  22. 16 is the age ooo

  23. I would definitely wonder WHY she wants cute underwear.  Who's going to see them?  Hopefully no one!  

    If my teenage daughter wanted to wear thongs, I would start paying more attention to her comings and goings; that would certainly make me think she is doing things she shouldn't be.

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