
At what dollar/gallon price point will you finally stop driving altogether? Stubborn one ok w/$1000 per tank?

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At what dollar/gallon price point will you finally stop driving altogether? Stubborn one ok w/$1000 per tank?




  1. I'm already at $1k/tank.  I drive an 18 wheeler, and yes, I buy my own fuel.  No, I'm not quitting any time soon.  I'm making better money now than I was 5 years ago.

  2. @ 4$ slow way down.

    @6$ stop

  3. Man, I'm just about there. It's costing me around $90.00 to fill up and I get 15 miles a gallon on a good day when the wind is blowing the same direction, down hill. I quit my job as a home health nurse due to extreme gas prices; and know several others who have and are planning to do the same. It royally sucks that the government is taking advantage of us this way. I really do not know how people making minimum wage do it.They know we have to drive or pay for a ride to work and we have to work to eat. I guess they will get the message when they see a serious rise in welfare applicants because people cant afford transportation to and from work!  Oops getting on my soap box again....sorry, lol. We traveled to Mexico recently and was astonished to find that gas is only $1.26/gallon there!!

  4. I'll stop driving when there's a more feasible otion. For the forseeable future, though, I need to drive to work from my home in the Boondocks. Public transport just isn't an option. I don't have much choice othe than driving - even if that does mean spending around $80 on a fill-up (as I do now).

    My grandmother has a 34 gallon tank in her car, so when she fills it up from empty, she spends around 120 bucks. Ouch!

  5. it will never stop because people have it drummed in their heads they have to go....its just like rewarding a kid for bad behavior when you pull up to the pump and keep buying

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