
At what height does the sky turn from blue to black when it is space? Is the colour change gradual, or sudden?

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At what height does the sky turn from blue to black when it is space? Is the colour change gradual, or sudden?




  1. The change is gradual because the colour is due to blue light being scattered by the atmosphere's particles, and as the density of particles decreases with altitude, so does the scattering and therefore the blue colour. As the particle density doesn't suddenly fall to zero, the colour doesn't suddenly switch to black.

    Good question.

  2. Its more to do with the angle of the light "diffraction" in the earths atmosphere. as your angle towards the sun changes so will the colour of the sky.

    the atmosphere is colorless, the color you see is diffracted light

  3. The colour change is gradual, because the atmoshere becomes less and less dense, but some of it still reaches as high as the orbital height of space shuttles. But it's already pretty dark at that height, so the blueness ends somewhere below that.

  4. When you are above the highest molecules of gasses in the atmosphere.

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