
At what jean size would you consider 'fat' or just too large for skinny jeans?

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At what jean size would you consider 'fat' or just too large for skinny jeans?




  1. well, there r sum ppl who look good in skinny jeams and others don't. it doesn't really matter on size although large ppl don't look rite in SKINNY jeans

  2. I would say 11 and up...

  3. 10

  4. deff. 10.  

  5. depends on what you wear with it.

    and it cant be too tight and your gut spills out!

    I really dont care what size.

    im not a ***** who judges peoples sizes :]

  6. i think anyone can wear them as long as the don't have extremely large calves and the jeans fit right skinny jeans come in different shapes and sizes like the girls who wear them

  7. any size is fiine gurl.

    as long as you can work theemm. :D

    some people just dont work in them though i gotta admit.

    just get what makes YOU feel good. if this question isnt about you then my badd. but im just sayingg.

  8. Size 10 - I consider it both "big" and too large for skinny jeans.

  9. when you get into the double digits

  10. Over 8.

    And whoever said skinny jeans are made to make you look skinnier, that's the dumbest thing I've heard in a while! Skinny jeans make you look twice as big. They make your butt/thighs look gigantic. I wear a size 00 (I'm 13, don't worry xP), and they make me look like I weight 20 more pounds. But it really depends on your shape as well. If you have a bigger lower half (big thighs, ect) then skinny jeans will make you look bigger. If you have a big upper half and a smaller lower half, they can even you out.

  11. It's not the waistband that's the issue. It's the length of the leg. Long legs look best in skinny jeans. Short legs appear chubbier.

  12. 7 or 9

  13. definitely would be body shape packed into skinny jeans so would be individuals preference..for me skinny jeans don't bring out the best of my h2t head to toe presentation.

  14. no one. maybe, like 500 pounds but 20-30 pounds overweight its okay. skinny jeans are made for you to look skinner.

    please help the hungry? thanks have a good one!

  15. I've been working in fashion for 7 years now, and it's all relative to your height. If you are your proper weight for your height you are fine, Otherwise I would have to recommend that if you are more than 2 sizes larger than your medical weight should be, i would avoid it, and just go for some standard/regular cuts.

  16. umm well it depends how old r u!! if u r a 7th grader then i think 18 to 20 is pretty fat for it! if u r a teen then u should maybe where 18 to 20

  17. hmm, it depends. i know girls that wear size 14's but are as thin as a rail, thus, look fab in skinny jeans. on the other hand i know girls that wear a size 14, and have the "extra luggage" to match. so really it just depends.

  18. When you start asking stupid questions.

    Who cares what size? It all depends on your shape and the cut of the jeans. The same jeans that I wear (With my small booty) may not make yours look great! I had a problem finding some that didn't sag in the booty.

    And, a size ten is not fat. Mandy Moore is a size ten. Tyra Banks is a size ten. They could both rock skinny jeans better than size 00 girls any day.

  19. I think it's more your body shape..

    likee, if you happen to be pear shaped or shorter and stockier, skinny jeans don't look too good.

    if you're taller & you've got confidence, people will be like 'OMG who is that girl who's looking radtastic in her skinny jeans' no matter what size you are. for reals. :]

  20.'s really up to you, if you feel comfortable wearing them, then it doesn't matter if other people mind. You can wear whatever you want.  

  21. if you have a muffin top, thats the only way you should not wear skinny jeans.

  22. over 10

  23. depends if ur tall. 7 ishh?

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