
At what point did the Democratic party embrace Socialism?

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I'm just curious about that.

Seems like we used to fight against Communism and Socialism, but now it is embraced by the democrats.




  1. It's very important to remember that Socialism and Communism are economic systems NOT political systems.  Do economics and politics go hand in hand? Of course.  Is there a drastic difference? Of course.  Socialist ideas, i.e. health care, education, etc are also part of the current American system.  Pure socialism calls for the end of private enterprise, redistribution of wealth, wealth being controlled by a certain portion of the population etc.  Simply put, everyone puts their goods into one pot and shares with everyone else.  It's the elimination of the upper and lower class and puts everyone on the same playing field.  Those are not the ideals embraced by the Democratic party.  It is the Republican party, if you look closely, that is attempting to redistribute and control wealth (prime example: windfall profit taxes).  I think it's very important to understand the systems you are asking about.  

  2. There's a difference between Communism (say Russian, Cuban, North Korean, old Chinese style), Socialism (an umbrella term for quiet a diverse set of theories) and Social Democracy (western european style).

    Did they embrace socialism? Not really. Obama for instance is a professor at Chicago University, wich is the very birthplace of neo-liberal conservatism. At least when economics is concerned.  

  3. Todays democrats are much further from socialism than JFK or LBJ ever were, and those guys were responsible for the whole Vietnam thing.

  4. McGovern was the first really socialist Dem.candidate.  Carter wasn't. Mondale....eeh.. He didn't really stand for much.  Hillary was the turning point, even if Bubba didn't buy into it; we know he only in it for the chicks anyway.

  5. The Democrats do not embrace socialism.  Where do you get your information?  I assume you get it from Republicans who will put out downright lies.  Is it socialism to want to help Americans get a better education, jobs, and health care?   Look up socialism!

  6. ca. Vietnam Era is my best approximation.

  7. Socialism in the US basically began with FDR's New Deal, about 1935.

    Since the New Deal still hasn't been overturned, Socialism has become part of the US's general political culture, embraced - to some extent - by BOTH parties.  (For example, even the Republicans wouldn't want to abolish pensions or medicare.)

    Don't confuse Socialism and Communism - Communists believe in dictatorships, Socialists don't.  Socialists believe in free enterprise, Comm. don't.  Socialists believe in free elections, Comm. don't.

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