
At what point do we look at ourselves?

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and recognize what we have done to contribute to the "assault" on freedoms? we want to be protected from another 9/11 but we complain that the lines in the airport take too long. we want to be protected from terrorist, the majority of which are muslim but not exclusively, but we can not profile the most likely groups to commit these murderous acts. i am just wondering how accountable we should be ourselves?




  1. I completely agree with you. And they say the liberals want to take away our freedoms. Ha!

  2. That is a very good question!!!! I wonder myself.

  3. One way would be to give up fast food,Starbucks, Entertainment,Junk Food News,Celebrity Magazines and instead save this money or give to The U.N. to make it strong. A strong U.N. could prevent most terrorism for the reason people who cannot get wrong addressed could expect U.N. to do something.The key words being MOST TERRORISM NOT ALL.  This makes people accountable in other ways. Also supply Super Bowl money occaisionally to U.N. instead. Even when profiling in use did not prevent attacks though in 1990's one member was arrested at The Border. All saying more cash at U.N. fewer targets at sporting events to attack. Human Supremacist Attitudes if rejected might not stop terrorist attacks but to point out how The Terrorists are Racist towards All Life might reduce the effectiveness of their message. The Terrorists believe themselves superior to The Life in Earth the ostensible creation of Allah. So all a person does is point out how oldfashioned human racism masquerades as Allah.  The notion that Earth was created just for humans is racist. What these types are doing is no less than what other humans are doing. So most humans are racist towards other life and cannot be attacked by other equally racist people on grounds   that one set of racists are more pure than another.

  4. As long as our politicians are unwilling to agree to do the right things, and stop pandering to special interest groups and the lobbiest's for them, our government will always play both sides of the fence.

    Unless we as Americans start to stand up, and use our votes to get rid of the Senators and Representatives that continue to tear our country apart, we will always have problems like this.

    As long as we have politicians who are willing to give out information that is classified for a vote, or a free ride on someones plane, we will have these problems.

    Our politicians are corrupt, in both parties. We have very few of them that are actually good people in Washington, and the corruptness that consumes them allows them to sell you and I down the river.

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