
At what point do you accept that a grandparent has no interest in their grandchild?

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My father lives out of state and has had very little to do with my nine month old son, his only grandchild. He has seen him twice, which both times involved me driving several hours and him barely taking an interest (other then snapping a couple of pictures of my brother holding my son). He hardly ever calls, never writes me back when I send pictures and talks about himself and my brother (who has always been the favorite child).

He called me for the first time in a month last night because he was worried that he hadn't heard from my older brother in almost a week....and made no mention of my son's well-being.

What do you think...bring it up or accept the fact that he is just going to be a absentee grandfather?




  1. my mother in law lives 5 miles away, in the same town, and sees my boys maybe 3-4 times a year. It still hurts, but I have to accept it. If she ever wants to pursue a relationship with them the door is open, but I have stopped pushing for us to get together.  

  2. i have the same problem in my family how i handled it was i just accepted that my father wasnt going to have any thing to do with my 6 month old son, and i just made myself come to reality and realize that maybe he just simply dont care. and i promised my self it wouldnt get me down so yah.

  3. I would let it go. You have your child to look after. If he wants to be in his life then let him make the effort you've done your part. The sad part is I bet he looks just like his grandfather. If not he probably will.

  4. My family is in the same situation. We just had our first child. He is seven months old. My wife has always been #2 to her brother, and it has created a lot of tension with her parents. I can count on one hand how many times they have visited or seen their grandson. It has been almost six weeks since they have called us. The last time they saw my wife was for lunch, and she ended up leaving them at the table in the restaurant because they were giving her so much s**t. My wife has tried numerous times to make amends, but it never works out. However, her brother can do no wrong (30 yrs old, still living at home). She is ready to give up on trying. We are considering moving closer to my family, so he can experience a loving family environment. Good Luck. It's not an easy decision.  

  5. Honey, my father lives 3 miles away and never comes to my house to see my children... some parents care and some dont.. I would not bring it up because its pointless.. I would just not worry about it at all. My mother is the same way... However you know they were not good parents to me so I should have known this was going to happen...

    I am sorry ... for you having to go thur this c**p...

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