
At what point do you deem a situation out of control?

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At what point do you deem a situation out of control?




  1. Hello Mark. This is a common question that is asked during Use of Force qualifications. I will give you another thought pattern to explain this.

    There are 4 principles behind uses of force.

    1. Ability. Does the person have the ability to harm you or others?

    2. Opportunity. Does the person have the opportunity to harm you or others?

    3. Jeopardy. Are you or any others  in jeopardy from the situation that you are in involved in?

    4. Preclusion. Preclusion means that if the current situation were to continue along it's present path, there would only be one logical outcome.

    When these four items are present, a situation may be deemed to be out of control and sufficient force be used to contain the situation.

    I hope this helps and you can find it useful

  2. When you can no longer control the outcome of the situation.

  3. When it back fires on you.

  4. when all natural or normal choices or reactions have become void or impossible.

  5. When people are being hurt or there is a immediate possibility of a person being hurt.

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