
At what point do you go to the doctor?

by  |  earlier

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My 9 month old daughter has a fever. At one point, it seemed to spike to 104, but I really doubt that since the 2 other temps gave 101 (normal for her at night), still to be on the safe side I luke-warm bathed her. It seems to be hovering under 103.

She is eating fine, drinking fine, in fact her appetite is as always. Plenty of wet diapers. She's acting a little lethargic (BARELY, she's acting like she isn't sick even when her temp is up, crawling and such) and isn't smiling as much (but more today than yesterday.) I'm sitting here waiting for the clinic to open, but her fever is back down to normal after having some pain-reducer.

My clinic is nearly 40 minutes away, and tends to be a real issue to get an appointment. We're sort of in the middle of transferring her records to one that's only 5 minutes away, but right now it's a long-drive and I don't like the idea of putting her through that if it's not necessary. Hubby seems to think it's not necessary.

So... any thoughts?




  1. You can usually call the clinic, talk to a nurse, and ask questions...  At that age, they don't usually reccommend antibiotics, so all they can do is tell you to give her tylenol as needed.  Actually a fever helps them fight off an infection, and tylenol isn't even necessary unless it gets into the dangerous range over 104.  Taking her to the clinic also exposes her to other sick children and germs in the air.  I would keep her home if i were you.  

  2. It sounds like her condition is not bad even though she has a fever my 8 month old son had a similar issue and we did not take him to the doctor and he got better after 2 days. I say wait and see if it changes.  

  3. I would definitely take her to the doctor. It makes it that much more of a risk if they're that far away. If you take her now, he could check her out, or she could get really sick on the car ride. Rather have her spike a fever 1/2 way there then at home.... bring a cooler with some frozen wash cloth's just in case it gets bad on the ride.

  4. Just know that fever is a sign of some kind of infection in the body. It may not be a serious infection or anything but that is your body's way of attacking the infection and getting rid of it. If you are able to control it then make sure to do so. If anything just call her doctor and talk to them and tell them what is going on. They will tell you if it is urgent that they see her or if she is okay.

  5. I would say she seems to be on the road to recovery and a visit to the doctor is no necessary. If her symptoms were to change or she seems to get worse then by all means take her in.

  6. If the fever is controllable with medication, you likely don't need to see the doctor.  I would give it a few more days and if you can't keep it under control, call your new doctor for an appointment.  

    I'm not sure I understand how you're going through a transition of moving her records.  Usually you just clear the new doctor with your insurance company (if that's necessary) and they call the old office to fax over the records.

  7. Well if you are in the middle of transferring records, I would suggest calling the new doctor and asking their opinion!!!!

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