
At what point does a crush become a stalker?

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Ok heres the story

a cute boy who I used to hate in the 3rd grade now has grown up to be a sexxy, hott 16 year old hunk in NYC.

The thing, I don't talk to him nemore...his friends don't like me or my friends and I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me (from elementary..because I made fun of his sister)

anyways he iss sooo hoottt...... like just oozes out s*x and I want him..NOOOO I need him.

So I added him on myspace (but he has like 10,000 I can't really tlak to him there)

so now I know his cell phone #

his address

his new school

his first and last name

where his dad works

where his mom works

the type of car he drives

and where he hangs out.

I feeel like a complete stalkerish especially when I decided to spy on him so that I could get a glimpse of his s**y body @ the beach...but don't worry I didnt.

Besides I'm way too hott to be a stalker.....but my friends insist that i'm a psychotic stalker.

I'm I ??

What should I do?




  1. when you start to act like ben from the secret life of the american teenager on ABC Family.  Which is starting to sound like STALKER!

  2. Stop stalking this guy. If he is ssooooooooo hot I;m sure he has a gf. leave it alone. You are close to breaking the law. This is no crush. If you're so hot, where is your bf?

  3. lol i think u crossed the line a while ago.

  4. I think you're about to cross over the line...

  5. turn the hob off and step away from the bunny!!

  6. haha i was watching this show about stalking and it said a person becomes a stalker when they watch/track down the person, when they plan to do something violent and when the person they are stalking has a sense of fear in them of that other person.

  7. you don't have to be ugly to be a stalker

  8. your young and its a crush...

    talk to him if u like him so much

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