
At what point does one file for divorce?

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I really love my husband and am not really interested in divorce but I believe there is verbal abuse between both parties. Usually starting with him being a very disrespectful person who has no manners.

If you bang your head against a wall thirty five times and it doesn't get heard then what do you do?




  1. maybe you and your husband need to seek counseling to learn how to open the lines of communication..without communication a relationship doesnt stand a chance of being successful..

    only consider divorce when you have exhausted all options of trying to save it if you want..

    good luck and i hope things work out for you...

  2. well I really hate divorce, but in some cases it is more harmful to stay together. If he left tomorrow how would you feel? Ask yourself simple questions and answer them truthfully. Also have you thought of counseling? Good Luck

  3. when there just is no saving the marriage and no love or respect for each other

  4. well to be honest the best time i think to file for divorce is when there is no love, respect or feelings from your partner as there is no point in being in a relationship that you aren't happy in

  5. both of you going to a marriage therapist or a therapist who specializes in marital communication might be worthwhile.

    Even  if he won't go, you could learn a lot that would help you.

    and if he refuses to go, i think you should start the divorce.

  6. I'm sure he feels the same way about you.  

  7. When you know the marriage is over and beyond repair.

    Sometimes there is too much hurt to get past and other times a spouse might refuse to change, both can make a divorce inevitable/desirable.

  8. Hi Yank,oops. how far do you want him to go?, have you seen a councelor, don`t wait for" verbal" to become "too late"

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