
At what point does someone accept the falsity of a stereotype?

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CLIFFY: I know that both sides have bad seeds. I'm just selecting a few examples.

MIKE: Are you telling me that you're entitled to spout this c**p because you're a man?




  1. I judge people individually. But the false stereotype of feminists applies to people un-educated about feminism. It could be the surroundings you are bought up in. And the voice of feminism are radical feminists.

  2. I think they like to create drama. Ignorance is bliss. Most feminist don't hate men, they hate misogyny. Most feminist don't hate homemakers, they hate women not having the right to choose. I don't know how the philosophy of an individual can determine their social life.

  3. never if it continues to make the low self-esteemed holders of such stereotypes feel better about themselves...

    now excuse me as i got to go update my "angry harrieta-dot-com" web site, write my disertation outlining the evils of housewifery and feed my d**n mangy cats....

    i can forget about shaving under my arms again tonight as i have too much to do.

    better start on that 2nd glass of wine, it's going to be a long night. ....

    Oooh oooh, look at me, i'm a man....i dont have a problem....society looooves me! ooooh

    better start my 3rd....

  4. One word:   TROLL

    They may actually believe it.  But they say it to get people riled up.  They have nothing better to do.

  5. You are making the generous assumption that individuals who promote these stereotypes have any interest in having an understanding that goes beyond stereotypical beliefs.  It seems obvious to me that those who promote the notions you describe have no desire or intention to engage in any true discussion or analysis of ideas.  Whether they actually believe what they say is irrelevant.  Their point is to deluge the forum with garbage and the only thing that will stop it is boredom.  Unfortunately, as soon as one gets bored, another will follow.  Surely you recognize this by now.

    I want to add that the stereotypes one encounters on this forum are not limited to those about feminists.  There are garbage spewers in both "camps."  It all becomes pretty tedious after a while.

  6. they will never accept that they're wrong because they fit into one of two groups here on GWS:

    Group A: these people are actually insane or just highly egotistical and actually believe what they're saying or are crazy enough to justify it. See Mike T's answer.

    Group B: these people are bitter, nasty and don't have two brain cells in their mean little heads. these people know they are full of lies and hate, but keep on with that nasty business because they know nothing else. If they admit they're wrong about us, their whole silly belief system would crumble and their tiny lives would end. See April the "Great's" answer.

    BTW, Ryan gave a superb answer.

  7. If so many feminists didn't fit that to a tee, there wouldn't be this stereotype

    ** Rio you're so young why do you think that you know everything?.

  8. i think feminists are their own worst enemy, allot of them speak out about stay at home moms as slaves, think men are the cause of all their Ill's yet when the need suits them want to be treated as 1950's women, women i know want equality not rights and privileges they have not earn, as for the cats?, i like cats....doesn't make anyone a feminist

  9. it's different for everyone. Some people are more set in their ways than others, and it depends on how long they've thought a certain way. I think most people have an innate need to have people like them.

    When they perceive anyone hating them, it causes them a certain amount of anxiety. When the realization indicates their way of thinking is erroneous, it relieves some anxiety, but not all. At that point, there's room to heal.

  10. They are happy to accept any stereotype that reinforces whichever of their prejudices they need to feel sorry about themselves.

    Witness some of the men on this board:

    The stereotype that women are better communicators and multitaskers: no way! It's BS.

    The stereotype that women are materialistic? h**l, yes! It's true!

    And then they claim to be members of the "logical" gender. Apparently unable to recognize the irony.

  11. the minute the person opens their mouth is when i can either accept or reject the stereotype for that particular person.

  12. I find this is an absurd generalization with the sole purpose of creating drama! where is your proof?

  13. sometimes stereo types have a shred of truth to them.

    1) feminists hate males. Yes and no. It is a weird thing.

          Among die hard feminists sure it is clear cut there level of hatred. I think it is more along the line's of they view females to be superior and males to be inferior in most cases(that type of behavior may appear at times as hatred but is merely ignorance)

    2) Not really. Feminists pay lip service against being a stay at home mom but make sure they still have the choice to decide to stay at home.

           As for lack of proof most of us are just tired of dealing with feminists. Feminists authors lie,lie,lie,lie and lie some more. ignore facts of reality.

          The Canadian report on domestic violence=Prime example. Was done around the 70's-80's by the Canadian goverment. The released version(edited by feminists) showed women being the victims of domestic abuse at an alarming rate. So laws where passed to "protect" women. Then not to long ago the Canadian goverment released the full unedited version. It showed violence at about 50% for both genders. And then there is the 1 in 4 women raped statistic Myth that feminist's keep repeating even though the author of that phrase said she made it up for "dramitic effect".

        How can we take feminist researchs serious when all they do is lie to advance there own agenda?

    P.S Anecdotal evidence? Look at the marriage rate. Men are aware of how sexist feminism is and how it demonizes men.

        And how the courts are stack up against us.

    Anyways me tired so onto 3.

    3) Probally a relic of the old witch or something silly like that.

            Or the crazy old lady.... Mostly absurb gibberish.

  14. Why should they?  Their closed minds and backwards thinking make them stars in their own circles.

  15. WELL... just because YOU don't fit that stereotype that doesn't mean another feminist doesn't. Statistics are LARGELY inaccurate btw. So following statistics is just as idiotic as following a stereotype (and probably just as accurate).

    I know all feminists don't live with 32 cats, but I'll still say it to make a point that feminists have social issues and are often not well adjusted.

    I'll make a deal with you RIO. If you can get all the women on this forum to stop saying stereotypical things about MEN and anti-feminists like myself... then I will stop saying stereotypical things about women and feminists.

    EDIT: Its only a deal if all the women here stop saying stereotypical things as well. And that's not gonna happen. I think you feminists should focus more on getting more women to NOT be sexist. When the women stop being sexist, the feminist will have SOLID ground to stand on and can rightfully demand change from men.

    Wash your own car before you tell me to wash mine

    EDIT: RIO.. I'm a MAN. I'm not the one demanding rights and change here. I don't have to do anything because I'm not the one with the problem. WOMEN have a problem and women need change.. SO, they need to be the first to do it. Then men will follow.

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