
At what point does the U.S. cease to by a liberating force and become an?

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occupying force? Without the benefit of an Iraqi government, can we be called anything else but occupying? Clearly the Iraqi government is not in control . . .




  1. When liberating foreign countries, may I suggest to the leaders at home it would be a good idea to safeguard our constitutional

    freedoms and civil rights before you go on and on about getting other nations "liberty" .  How can you give others liberty if you are taking the freedoms of your own citizens at home?

  2. Radical Islam is a worldwide popular movement just like communism was. We can't defeat it by occupying every country where it sprouts up. It does have many internal contradictions though which will surface and become obvious.

  3. The Iraqi government is on vacation until September. That's correct, isn't it?

    It's a tough situation in the Middle East.

    I highly recommend reading:

    From Beirut to Jerusalem by Thomas Friedman

    The problems in the Middle East are very complicated and the U.S. will never be able to solve them without the cooperation of middle easterners and other world leaders. It must be a joint effort. But the U.S. is all about themselves and they have lost credibility.

    I have lost faith in this administration. They are bullies.

  4. A nation becomes an 'occupying power' upon gaining effective control of another nation's territory.

    Per international law the occupation ends upon the establishment of an independent government.

    As such, the US occupied Iraq from April 2003 until 1 February 2005.  (The first UN certified elections.)

    And if you think that the Iraqi government is not in control - why are they overruling the US on our operations?

  5. We became an occupying power once the invasion was completed.  We have been one ever since that moment, and nothing better.

    What is more worrysome is when we begin becoming an unwelcome and therefore illegal occupying power.  It may well be that we have crossed into that area already.

  6. Is it the US's fault that Islam can't get along with Islam?

  7. We were an "occupying force" the second we invaded Iraq.

    What was going on in Iraq was none of our business. And if there are some that say we saved the Iraqis from that "mean old dictator" then by that logic we'd better get a move on, 'cos there are lots and lots of "mean old dictators" in this evil world.

  8. When the government of a country invades another, ousting the legitimate government, and implements a rule of their own, or a puppet government of their choosing, it is an "occupying force".

  9. 1)  It's a grey line, and not everyone will agree one way or the other.  2)  That is why we are working on Iraq trying to establish a stable and effective government.

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