
At what point in Australian history did beer arrive?

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Beer has become a part of our culture and something that we have developed in our own style. I was wondering when beer first came out to Australia? Was it the English Ales that was brought out or did another style make it first?




  1. About 32 seconds after Cook said "Land!"

  2. Not soon enough in my opinin, without beer where would we be today.

  3. Australian beer history starts very early in Australia's colonial history, with the discovery of Australia's eastern shores.

    On 1 August 1768 as Captain Cook was fitting out the Endeavour for its voyage to Australia, Nathaniel Hulme wrote to Joseph Banks recommending that he take "a quantity of Molasses and Turpentine, in order to brew Beer with, for your daily drink, when your Water becomes bad. … [B]rewing Beer at sea will be peculiarly useful in case you should have stinking water on board; for I find by Experience that the smell of stinking water will be entirely destroyed by the process of fermentation."

    On 26 August 1768 the Endeavour left England. Captain Cook, who was noted for his belief that beer maintained the health of seamen, wrote in his journal that there were four tonnes of beer on board! Obviously the Endeavour’s crew were a thirsty bunch because on 31 September 1768, barely a month later, the Endeavour’s tonnes of beer were almost gone! Captain Cook wrote: "Served wine to the ship’s company, the Beer being all expended to two casks which I wanted to keep some time longer."

    Beer was still being consumed on board 2 years later in 1770 when Cook was the first European to discover the east coast of Australia.

    Drunkenness was an enormous problem in the early colony and rum was used as form of currency. As a means of reducing drunkenness, beer was promoted as a safer and healthier alternative to rum.

  4. In the 1700's people( in parts of Britain) often drank beer as staple part of their diet due to the quality the water.. even children drank beer ....

    SO it is likely ... that .. Beer arrived on the first fleet ... and Given the fact that they arrived mid summer ( and a summer that they definitely would NOT have experienced before) the beer they had would have been guzzled down rather quickly..

    I would also hazzard a guess that the manufacture of Alcohol would have been one of the first industries set up.

    Rum served as a currency for a time also ...

    Alcohol in General has always been a big part of our history...

    America has a gun culture and we have a booze culture...

    Nikita wrote: Drunkenness was an enormous problem in the early colony ... and I will add AND STILL IS.

  5. correct the english ales brought around 1713

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