
At what point in one's life is it time to say to oneself "I concede. I failed in life, and I am no good."

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Come on. There has to be a time in your life that you have to say to yourself that you have missed the boat. At what age is this usually?




  1. NEVER.  I know... there is ALWAYS hope. Always something new to do and look forward to.

  2. I don't give up til' god takes the last breath from my body. Running from your problems and giving up is for *******. Kurt Cobain did that, and look where he is!

  3. That sounds like a suicidal thought to me. I mean, I think people come to some sort of crossroads in their lives when things aren't happening quite the same way as they may have planned.

    When I turned 30 I was planning to better myself for the future, and kind of blew that. But life is a work in progress, so I'm progressing slowly. :)

    But to say that you've failed in life to me is like throwing in the towel. I think things can get better. It just doesn't happen as soon as you like.

    Does Furry Guy need a belly scratch?

  4. Normally when you have conceded, failed in life and are no good is when you say that.

  5. You can fail...concede to your, move on. The next day is a do-over. Every day is a do-over. You can say you're no good, but, you don't have the last word on that. "Attention, attention, here comes the spiritual part". Remember, God didn't make junk. Good luck.

  6. Never. When you do that, you've given up.

    Never give up.  

  7. I did this when I was 15. That's the only time when I thought I was worthless. Now I'm 21 and pretty happy.

  8. Hi Piggy, I have missed you.  I hope you don't say that to yourself, you are not a bad guy or a loser.

  9. I have been there a few times. the last time was about 2 weeks ago I am 26 years old.

    I Just felt like nothing I did was ever good enough. so why even bother. but then I started talking to God again and He got me back to where I don't feel so bad. and plus I have a 2 year old daughter that needs me to be strong for her so that helps.

    You need to know you have value and your NOT a failure Take Care God Bless

  10. Never!  One should die like a dog, with one's teeth in a throat!  IOW - never give up.  Never.

  11. The American general, in response to the German general's demand for the surrender of the outnumbered and surrounded American Army at Bastogne in WWII...


    6 months later, Germany surrendered.

  12. When they lower the casket into that rectangular hole, or maybe fire up the oven.

  13. When you consider becoming a feminist.

    At that point you realise that you have failed in life and need someone (i.e. all men) to blame it on.

  14. Never.

    "Finish each day and be done with it.

    You have done what you could;

    some blunders and absurdities have crept in;

    forget them as soon as you can.

    Tomorrow is a new day;

    you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit

    to be encumbered with your old nonsense."

    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

  15. You shouldn't.  

    I'm 38, and a freshman in college.  I'm also a math tutor...and some of the students I work with are in their 60's.  It's never too late to improve your life...

  16. I'd say when an individual gets depressed and suicidal would be the only time. It can happen at age.  

  17. Try putting your head in your hands, cry your heart out and scream: "All right! You win! I GIVE UP!!!" Then count to 10 and see what happens next.

    .....Then you'll know what happens when you give up..... Pretty easy doncha think?

    If you find yourself thinking thoughts like this, maybe it's your inner spirit trying to tell you that you need to try a different direction in your life.

    Good luck.

    (Btw, Leonardo da Vinci died convinced that he had been a failure. Thomas Edison's teacher told him he was "too stupid to learn anything".)

    Check this link to read about famous "failures" like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson , Michael Jordan, Isaac Newton, ...the list goes on and on....

  18. Only when you concede have you failed in life.

  19. When distant relatives are standing at your bedside, discussing what would be the cheapest way to dispose of your carcass, consider the possibility of defeat.  When you hear them nailing down the coffin lid, think seriously about repentance.

  20. There is no point in my life where this would be an appropriate feeling.  There is always more than one boat, failure is merely a set back.  Life does not end with a failure.  Try being a single mom with 4 kids to raise, just keeping them fed, dressed, housed with proper medical care can be h**l.  But, I would do it all over again just to have them near me to hug on, love them and watch them grow.  I may have "failed" in my choice of a father and husband, but it did not stop me from enjoying my kids and watching them grow up to be really cool and successful adults.  Oh, by the way, they also learned that failure is merely a setback and to keep on trying really works.  If you're breathing, you can still succeed.

  21. It's the darkest before the dawn keep that in mind.

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