
At what point should I assume he's not into me?

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This guy I have been seeing for a year - he has major depression, he's on medication (not improving) and has just been referred to a psychiatrist. He talks to me often about the guilt he feels with regards to me and how he can't give me the world, and that we're just better off as friends. But the way we act is so much more than that. I realise he's depressed and the last thing on his mind is being in a serious relationship. This guy has told my sister a few months ago that he loves me, and it seems he does from the way he is with me but hasn't actually said it to me. He tells me I've been the only person he can open up to about how he's feeling about life etc - I know everything and have been by his side through everything. At what point do I assume he just isn't into me in the way I'd like? Is it depression talking?




  1. I think he loves you so much that he feels like maybe you're better off without him. So maybe it's not that he's not into you, it's just the opposite.

  2. I think that this guy really likes you but can't start a serious relationship at the time.  He needs time to get his life back into shape and when he finally is not depressed he will definetley be ready for a serious relationship.

  3. If you have to ask such a question then he's not into you and you should be moving on.

    First, go see a shrink yourself about the problem that would lead you to become (or stay) involved with a mental case. Seriously.

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