
At what point should I consider moving to L.A.?

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I'm a high school graduate. I was heavily involved in theatre at my high school, and I'm going to a state university on a theatre scholarship. I'd really like to do film professionally, but there really aren't many film opportunities where I am. I'm considering the L.A. move at some point, but how long should I wait? Should I try to get local film experience first? Also, there are no film acting programs here, just I don't want to move to L.A. blind and inexperienced....any thoughts?




  1. If you have that passion, any theater work will help you any way you look at it. My case, any stage I get invited to, I do it. Being seen & doing your best are the 1st few things you will have to do. I'm a musician.

  2. Well everybody knows that LA is where the Lifestyle and the Rich and the Famous takes place, so you have to have alot of reputation, or how good other people think about your Film Expirence. Alot of times, other Movies Producers come looking for young talent. They usally take in people who have some mind about film making.  Then the Real Pros can help you out. But also you need the style to Live in LA. Driving around in a beater '81 Honda isn't gonna help either. Usally some sleek rides help, plus the threads. But hey nothings Impossible so try it out. Try to go to LA and see how people reflect on you. Then your in Buisness :)

  3. only thing i can recommend is to have a financial and living plan,

    possible some roomates lined up learn the local commutes from the outskirts surrounding cities and even the exact location of the industry that you wish to go for, because LA is big and if you dont ask the right question or be specific alot of people say LA  but mean LA county, not to mention the cost of living is high gas is crazy and always changing and even our burgerking and mcdonalds is more expensive then those of the south and mid west. dont want to discourage you just remind you of some things that could of or might have been overlooked.

  4. I agree with Gohnzo. Don't "just go!" I "just went" to LA from Boston just after college. Ended up miserable, stuck in a desk job just to pay the rent, lasted six months and packed up for the East Coast as soon as I could.

    Visit first, make a plan!

  5. i think u should buildup your resume and experience 1st...act in stage,tv or films in ur area..

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