
At what point should I consider moving to LA?

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I'm a high school graduate. I was heavily involved in theatre at my high school, and I'm going to a state university on a theatre scholarship. I'd really like to do film professionally, but there really aren't many film opportunities where I am. I'm considering the L.A. move at some point, but how long should I wait? Should I try to get local film experience first? Also, there are no film acting programs here, just I don't want to move to L.A. blind and inexperienced....any thoughts?




  1. When the time comes that you have to.

  2. well, id work on getting an agent first and then asking them. they'll tell you when your ready. also, an agent will probably send you down to LA a lot, so while your down their, casually look for a home in your spare time. after youve gotten your first slightly significant role (oh look, there's my left shoulder!) and you start going down once a week or so, its time to buy a house, cause things should get serious VERY soon. The best advice i have is to try and get local filming stuff, as much as you possibly can.

  3. move to l.a

    and do homeschool college!

    and submit to agents and do auditions etc at same time and keep a night job (not too late though)

    im 14 and working on becomign an actress and 100 % devoted

    and im submitting right now and working on finishing high school early then if im not already homeschooled and starring on disney then im moving to l.a

    you should to

    but you shoudl do some classes!participate in plays! build up your resume! get an agent! do auditions! get headshots!

    and for an agent go to and scroll down till you find city nearest you

    read everythign you see! and click on words in blue but not double udnerlined ones and i suggest that you sign up with alan baltes go to first site and look at right column it explains everything! he wont be an agent just help you out and its a one time fee of 30 dollars and totally worth it!please do not report mee ok i am not doing anything bad and this isnt spam or solicitation its not my site!i just copy and paste my answer cause its teh same for every question and sometimes i alter it! whats wrong with that?

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