
At what point should a male adult go to the hospital with a fever?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 31 yr old white (for what it might matter) male with an ear ache in his left ear and a temperature of 101.6, Should I be worried yet?




  1. No, that's a low-grade fever. If it gets to 103 or above and stays there for more than a short period of time, then you might consider going to the hospital. If it gets up to 104 or above then you should definitely go to the hospital.

  2. I would be worried that I was developing an ear infection.  But the temperature itself is not too high yet or anything.  I would be at the hospital if it got over 103... BUT, you might want to just head off a trip to the hospital by making an appointment for tomorrow morning at the doctor because you are probably headed toward a worse infection it sounds like.

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