
At what price can get an used VCR?

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At what price can get an used VCR?




  1. even new one you can get fro Rs. 2000/

  2. I bought mine for $10 at a used music/electronics store.  Works very well, and the tracking is good!

  3. I'll sell you one. name your price.

  4. I've seen VCR's for like 19.99 NEW so if you get it used, i'd say 10. I've seen dual VCR+DVD players for like 49.99

  5. lol within 20$ 600rs

  6. u can have it...come get it!!!

  7. Whatever you are willing to pay.

    New ones are almost extinct and with the new digital TV signals on the horizon, if you do find a new one it won't have a built in tuner. You will need to use the A/V connections only.

    Check and Ebay for used ones but proceed with caution as people are usually unloading their garbage here.

    Ask your neighbors and friends if they have any.

    Many people will give it away to make way for the new machines.

    If you have any local TV repair shops they should be loaded with good machines that were abandoned by their owners.

    They may be had just for the asking!

    It can't hurt to engage in some old fashioned bargaining!

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