
At what price for gas/diesel will you start changing your driving habits?..and how?

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I've decided I will start biking to work (8.5miles each way) instead of driving when gas in MA reaches $4 a gallon... currently it is at $3.45ish.

(I drive a Dodge Ram mind you, so when gas hits $4 ill be paying upwards of $90 to fill my tank)

How will you change your habits? car pool, public transportation, bike, walk?




  1. I fortunately have always tried to live no farther than 5 miles from work.  So, currently, even if gas hits $5 a gallon, I'm fine. However, I do plan on riding my bike too when the weather gets a bit more consistent.

    Also, the price of oil is currently inflated by close to 20% because of the weakness of our currency.

  2. I've already started biking more and traveling less. This summer I plan on biking to the university every day for class/ work, and if it rains I'll take the bus. My only real necessary driving I do further than that is to visit the family, but that's only a 15min drive and I go once every other week usually. Maybe if I get in better shape from biking, I can turn that into a longer bike ride too!

    I'm also planning to take my summer vacation in south haven, which is accessible via the kal-haven bike trail. It's a long ride, but is supposed to be fun. And at the end of it there are sandy beaches and campsites and really good restaurants, which would make for a nice few days off.

  3. car pool, it saves money in PA it is $3.60  a gallon crazy

  4. It is the fault of Global Warming propagation. Gore has made millions but the funny thing was it was to be against the bad oil Co. ,so they are making billions. They are robing the poor and could cause a world depression.

  5. I won't have to make any changes to my driving habits, as I have a job that supports the type of car I drive.

  6. At about four dollars a gallon, I would probably start riding the bus.

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